SAP Table VFPLT - Billing Plan: Dates

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
FPLNR X FPLNR CHAR 3 10 0 FPLA Billing plan number / invoicing plan number
FPLTR X FPLTR NUMC 13 6 0 Item for billing plan/invoice plan/payment cards
FPTTP FPTTP CHAR 19 2 0 TFPLT Date category
TETXT TETXT_FP CHAR 21 4 0 Date description
FKDAT BFDAT DATS 25 8 0 Settlement date for deadline
FPFIX FPFIX CHAR 33 1 0 ID for adopting billing/invoice date
FAREG FAREG CHAR 34 1 0 Rule in billing plan/invoice plan
FPROZ FPROZ DEC 35 5 2 Percentage of value to be invoiced
WAERS WAERS_CP CUKY 38 5 0 TCURC Currency Key of Credit Control Area
KURFP KURFP DEC 43 9 5 Exchange rate for date in billing plan
FAKWR FAKWR CURR 48 15 2 Value to be billed/calc. on date in billing/invoice plan
FAKSP FAKSP_FP CHAR 56 2 0 TVFS Billing block for billing plan/invoice plan dates
FKARV FKARA CHAR 58 4 0 Proposed billing type for an order-related billing document
FKSAF FKSAF CHAR 62 1 0 Billing status for the billing plan/invoice plan date
PERIO PERIO_FP CHAR 63 2 0 TVRG Rule for Origin of Next Billing/Invoice Date
FPLAE FPLAE NUMC 65 3 0 Length of a standard period in the billing plan
MLSTN MLST_ZAEHL NUMC 68 12 0 Milestone number
ZTERM DZTERM CHAR 85 4 0 Terms of Payment Key
TAXK1 TAXK1 CHAR 99 1 0 Tax classification 1 for customer
TAXK2 TAXK2 CHAR 100 1 0 Tax classification 2 for customer
TAXK3 TAXK3 CHAR 101 1 0 Tax classification 3 for customer
TAXK4 TAXK4 CHAR 102 1 0 Tax Classification 4 Customer
TAXK5 TAXK5 CHAR 103 1 0 Tax classification 5 for customer
TAXK6 TAXK6 CHAR 104 1 0 Tax classification 6 for customer
TAXK7 TAXK7 CHAR 105 1 0 Tax classification 7 for customer
TAXK8 TAXK8 CHAR 106 1 0 Tax classification 8 for customer
TAXK9 TAXK9 CHAR 107 1 0 Tax classification 9 for customer
VALTG VALTG NUMC 108 2 0 Additional value days
VALDT VALDT DATS 110 8 0 Fixed value date
NFDAT NFDAT DATS 118 8 0 Settlement date for deadline
TEMAN TEMAN_1 CHAR 126 1 0 Process as for manually entered date
FAKCA FAKCA CHAR 127 2 0 TFACD Calendar for Defining Days Relevant to Billing/Invoicing
AFDAT FKDAT DATS 129 8 0 Billing date for billing index and printout
NETWR NETWR_AP CURR 137 15 2 Net value of the order item in document currency
NETPR NETPR CURR 145 11 2 Net price
WAVWR WAVWR CURR 151 13 2 Cost in document currency
KZWI1 KZWI1 CURR 158 13 2 Subtotal 1 from pricing procedure for condition
KZWI2 KZWI2 CURR 165 13 2 Subtotal 2 from pricing procedure for condition
KZWI3 KZWI3 CURR 172 13 2 Subtotal 3 from pricing procedure for condition
KZWI4 KZWI4 CURR 179 13 2 Subtotal 4 from pricing procedure for condition
KZWI5 KZWI5 CURR 186 13 2 Subtotal 5 from pricing procedure for condition
KZWI6 KZWI6 CURR 193 13 2 Subtotal 6 from pricing procedure for condition
CMPRE CMPRE CURR 200 11 2 Item credit price
SKFBP SKFBT CURR 206 13 2 Amount Eligible for Cash Discount in Document Currency
BONBA BONBA CURR 213 13 2 Rebate basis 1
PRSOK PRSOK CHAR 220 1 0 Pricing is OK
TYPZM TYPZM CHAR 221 1 0 Means of payment for classifying payment card plan lines
CMPRE_FLT CMPRE_FLT FLTP 224 16 16 Item credit price
UELNR UELNR CHAR 232 10 0 FPLA Higher-level payment card plan number for billing
UELTR UELTR NUMC 242 6 0 Higher-level item in billing plan
KURRF KURRF DEC 248 9 5 Exchange rate for FI postings
CCACT CCACT CHAR 253 10 0 G/L Account Number for Payment Card Receivables
KORTE KORTE CHAR 263 1 0 Indicator for correction date in billing plan