SAP Table VEKAB - KOBRA (B Record) Export

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
NUMMBUKRS X BUKRS CHAR 3 4 0 T001 Company Code
DATUMJAHR X DATUMJAHR NUMC 7 4 0 Reporting year of declaration to authorities
DATUMMONA X DATUMMONA NUMC 11 2 0 Reporting month of declaration to authorities
ARRIVDEPA X VEREI NUMC 13 1 0 Indicator: Goods direction for declarations to authorities
LFDNRVEKA X LFDNRVEKA NUMC 14 5 0 Sequential number for Kobra decl.master record (B record)
FIRMNUMME FIRMNUMME CHAR 19 7 0 Company number assigned by authorities
AUSFUZOLL AUSFUZOLL NUMC 26 7 0 Customs number of exporter
AUSFUNAME AUSFUNAME CHAR 33 75 0 Exporter name
AUSFUSTRA AUSFUSTRA CHAR 108 25 0 Street of exporter
AUSFUNATI AUSFUNATI CHAR 133 3 0 Nationality ID of exporter
AUSFUPOST AUSFUPOST CHAR 136 6 0 Postal code of exporter
AUSFUORTE AUSFUORTE CHAR 142 20 0 City of exporter
EMPFEZOLL EMPFEZOLL NUMC 162 7 0 Recipient customs number
EMPFENAME EMPFENAME CHAR 169 75 0 Name of recipient
EMPFESTRA EMPFESTRA CHAR 244 25 0 Street of recipient
EMPFENATI EMPFENATI CHAR 269 3 0 Country ID of recipient
EMPFEPOST EMPFEPOST CHAR 272 6 0 Postal code of recipient
EMPFEORTE EMPFEORTE CHAR 278 20 0 City of recipient
HANDELAND HANDELAND CHAR 298 3 0 T005 Trading country
BESTILAND BESTILAND CHAR 301 3 0 T005 Country of destination of material
BEFIABGAN BEFIABGAN CHAR 304 14 0 Means of transport at departure
BEFIGRENZ BEFIGRENZ CHAR 318 14 0 Means of transport at border
ARTGESCHA EXART CHAR 332 2 0 T605 Business Transaction Type for Foreign Trade
EINLADFGH DZOLLS CHAR 334 6 0 T615 Customs Office: Office of Exit/Entry for Foreign Trade
UNIXKENNZ UNIXKENNZ CHAR 340 1 0 ID to define whether record exists on a UNIX file
FLAGEUROC FTEUR CHAR 341 1 0 Declarations to the authorities: Ind. for decl. crcy = Euro