SAP Table VDMEKO - Condition Table: Header

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
BUKRS X BUKRS CHAR 3 4 0 T001 Company Code
STYP X VVSTYP CHAR 7 1 0 TDP6 Activity Type
SVYM X VVSMVYM ACCP 18 6 0 Table version (YYYYMM)
SVNR X VVSMVNR NUMC 24 3 0 Table version: sequential number
RERF RERF CHAR 27 12 0 Entered by
DERF DERF DATS 39 8 0 First Entered on
TERF TERF TIMS 47 6 0 Time of Initial Entry
REHER REHER CHAR 53 10 0 Source of initial entry
RBEAR RBEAR CHAR 63 12 0 Employee ID
DBEAR DBEAR DATS 75 8 0 Last Edited on
TBEAR TBEAR TIMS 83 6 0 Last Edited at
RBHER RBHER CHAR 89 10 0 Editing Source
DGVON VVDGVON_TABLEAU DATS 99 8 0 Start of Effective Period
DGBIS VVDGBIS_TABLEAU DATS 107 8 0 End of Effective Period
STAT VVSTAT CHAR 115 1 0 Status of condition table
ARZAE VVARZAE NUMC 116 4 0 Reservation Period Counter
SRFAK VVSRFAK CHAR 120 1 0 Reservation Period Time Unit
DREND VVDREND DATS 121 8 0 Reservation end date
XTEXT XLBEZ CHAR 129 50 0 Name
BEGRU BEGRU CHAR 179 4 0 Authorization Group