SAP Table VDLVABL - Maturity data for collateral (Life insurances)

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
RSICHER X RSICHER NUMC 3 8 0 Collateral reference number
DATUM X VVDBEZ DATS 11 8 0 Key date/reference date
BLVLEIST BLVLEIST CURR 19 13 2 Maturity payment
BLVWERT BLVWERT CURR 26 13 2 Amount Insured
BLVRUECK BLVRUECK CURR 33 13 2 Insurance cash surrender value
BLVBLEI BLVBLEI CURR 40 13 2 Collateral value of LI
BLVBLEIZ BLVBLEIZ CURR 47 13 2 Collateral status of LI
DLVRECH VVDLVRECH DATS 54 8 0 Calculation date of maturity payments
BLVVERSL VVBLVVERSL CURR 62 13 2 Payment in case of claim

423914EUR: euro changeover of collaterals