SAP Table VDESCROWKOPO0 - TEMPORARY USE: Escrow Condition Items

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
DGUEL_KK X TB_ESC_EFFFROM DATS 19 8 0 Start of Effective Period for Escrow Analysis
SKOART X TB_ESC_SKOART NUMC 27 4 0 Payment Type (Condition Type)
DGUEL_KP X TB_ESC_DGUEL_KP DATS 31 8 0 Escrow Condition Item Effective from
NSTUFE X TB_ESC_NSTUFE NUMC 39 2 0 Level Number of Escrow Item
SSTATE TB_ESC_STATUSPP NUMC 41 2 0 Status of the Payment Plan
MCONTREF TB_ESC_CONTREF CHAR 43 20 0 Reference to (Insurance) Policy
SSTATI SSTATI NUMC 63 2 0 TZC37 Status of data record
PKOND PKOND DEC 65 10 7 Percentage rate for condition items
BKOND BKOND CURR 71 13 2 Condition item currency amount
SWHRKOND SWHRKOND CUKY 78 5 0 TCURC Currency of Condition Item
SBASIS VVSBASIS CHAR 83 4 0 TZFB Calculation base reference
SZSREF SZSREF CHAR 87 10 0 T056R Reference Interest Rate
SZSREFVZ SZSREFVZ CHAR 97 1 0 +/- sign / reference interest rate operator
PFLUCT TFM_PFLUCT DEC 98 10 7 Fluctuation margin
AMMRHY AMMRHY NUMC 104 3 0 Frequency in months
ATTRHY ATTRHY NUMC 107 3 0 Frequency in Days
SZAWS SZAWS NUMC 110 1 0 Payment form (at start of period, mid-period, at period end)
RDIVNR RDIVNR NUMC 111 3 0 Dividend coupon number
JNULLKON JNULLKON CHAR 114 1 0 Condition Form
MWSKZ MWSKZ CHAR 115 2 0 Sales Tax Code
JBMONAT JBMONAT CHAR 117 1 0 Indicator for calculating amount per month
DVALUT DVALUT DATS 118 8 0 Calculation Date
DFAELL DFAELL DATS 126 8 0 Due date
KUNNR KUNNR CHAR 134 10 0 KNA1 Customer Number
ZLSCH DZLSCH CHAR 144 1 0 T042E Payment Method
BVTYP BVTYP CHAR 145 4 0 Partner Bank Type
MABER MABER CHAR 149 2 0 T047M Dunning Area
SPARTNR BP_PARTNR_NEW CHAR 151 10 0 Business Partner Number
RKONT RKONT NUMC 161 6 0 Quota number
SVULT VVSBULT CHAR 167 1 0 Month-end indicator for calculation date
SFULT SFULT CHAR 168 1 0 Month-End Indicator for Due Date
SVKALRI VVSNVER1 CHAR 169 1 0 Field is no longer used
SFKALRI VVSFKALRI CHAR 170 1 0 Calculation of periods with flexible valid-to date?
AVGSTAGE AVGSTAGE NUMC 171 2 0 Number of working days for value date
AFGSTAGE AFGSTAGE NUMC 173 2 0 Number of working days to due date
SVKALZUS VVSNVER1 CHAR 175 1 0 Field is no longer used
SFKALZUS VVSNVER1 CHAR 176 1 0 Field is no longer used
SKALID SKALID CHAR 177 2 0 TFACD Factory calendar
SZBMETH SZBMETH CHAR 179 1 0 Interest Calculation Method
JSOFVERR JSOFVERR CHAR 180 1 0 Immediate settlement
DALLGEM DALLGEM DATS 181 8 0 General date
SZEGEN SZEGEN NUMC 189 2 0 TD21 Generate incoming payment immediately
SBUST VVSBUST NUMC 191 2 0 TZB09 Posting control key
SKOPO VVSKOPO NUMC 193 2 0 TZK07 Detailed identification for condition items
SALTKOND VVSALTKOND NUMC 195 4 0 Bracket condition for alternative conditions
SZINSANP VVSZINSANP NUMC 199 4 0 Cross-referenced condition grp for interest rate adjustment
SINCL VVSINCL NUMC 203 1 0 Inclusive indicator for beginning and end of a period
SFORMREF VVSFORMREF CHAR 204 4 0 Formula reference for the cash flow calculator
SVARNAME VVSVARNAME CHAR 208 4 0 Description of variables in cash flow calculator
SVWERK VVSVWERK NUMC 212 1 0 Shift calculation date to working day
SVMETH VVSVMETH NUMC 213 1 0 Method for determining the next value date
SFWERK VVSFWERK NUMC 214 1 0 Shift due date to working day
SFMETH VVSFMETH NUMC 215 1 0 Method for determining the next due date
DPKOND VVDPKOND DATS 216 8 0 Determination date for percentage rate of condition items
AZGSTAGE AZGSTAGE NUMC 224 2 0 Number of working days for interest fixing
SZKALRI SZKALRI CHAR 226 1 0 Calendar direction for interest rate fixing
DZSREF VVDZSREF DATS 227 8 0 Date fixing for benchmark interest rate in cash flow
SKALID2 VVSKALID2 CHAR 235 2 0 TFACD Calendar ID 2 (valid in connection with calendar ID 1)
JGESUCHT VVJGESUCHT CHAR 237 1 0 Int. indicator for alternative calculations
KURS1 KURSF DEC 238 9 5 Exchange rate
BBASIS BBASIS CURR 243 13 2 Calculation base amount
SZWERK VVSZWERK NUMC 250 1 0 Shift to working day for interest fixing date
SFINCL VVSFINCL NUMC 251 1 0 Inclusive Indicator for Due Date
SRUNDVORF VVSRUNDVF NUMC 252 1 0 Rounding of interim results for prepayments
SZWKEY VVSZWKEY CHAR 253 2 0 Payment form with adjustment days
SFVMETH TB_SFVMETH NUMC 255 2 0 Update method for calculation date/due date
SDWERK TB_SDWERK NUMC 257 1 0 Working Day Shift for Payment Date
SBERECH SBERECH CHAR 258 1 0 Grace Period Interest Method
JPROZR TB_JPROZR CHAR 259 1 0 Percentage Calculation
SZEITANT VVSZEITANT NUMC 260 1 0 Indicator for Pro Rata Temporis Calculations
SFANT VVSFANT NUMC 261 1 0 Indicator for due date-related FiMa calculations
SFRANZ TFMSFRANZ NUMC 262 1 0 Shift Due Date
KBKOND VVKBKOND DEC 263 15 6 Condition amount independent of currency
SBASFIX TFMSBASFIX NUMC 271 1 0 Indicator for fixing calculation base
MANSP MANSP CHAR 272 1 0 T040S Dunning Block
ZAHLS DZLSPR CHAR 273 1 0 Payment Block Key
BKONDQM BKONDQM CURR 274 13 2 Currency amount per area unit
JAREA VVJAREA CHAR 281 1 0 Rental on basis of area?
SFLART SFLART NUMC 282 4 0 TIV08 Area type
TXJCD TXJCD CHAR 286 15 0 TTXJ Tax Jurisdiction
AVGSTAGEVZ AVGSTAGEVZ CHAR 301 1 0 +/- sign for number of working days for value date
AFGSTAGEVZ AFGSTAGEVZ CHAR 302 1 0 +/- sign for number of working days for due date
LIFNR LIFNR CHAR 303 10 0 LFA1 Account Number of Vendor or Creditor
JEXPOZINS TB_JZINSRE CHAR 313 1 0 Exponential Interest Calculation
KOSTL RECNKOSTL CHAR 314 10 0 Cost center of internal contract
GFZLSCH RECNGFZLSCH CHAR 324 1 0 T042E Payment method for credit memos
ZLSPR DZLSPR CHAR 325 1 0 Payment Block Key
SROUND TFM_SROUND CHAR 326 1 0 Rounding Category
BMWST BMWST CURR 329 13 2 Value-added tax amount included
XCROSS RECNXCROSS CHAR 336 1 0 Gross amount indicator
AMMRHYZV TFM_AMMRHYZV NUMC 343 2 0 Interest Settlement Frequency for Exponential Interest Calc.