SAP Table VDBLSS - Collateral Val. Real Value Other

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
RBLNR X VVRBLNR NUMC 3 10 0 VDHOBJBL Collateral Number
RERF RERF CHAR 13 12 0 Entered by
DERF DERF DATS 25 8 0 First Entered on
TERF TERF TIMS 33 6 0 Time of Initial Entry
REHER REHER CHAR 39 10 0 Source of initial entry
RBEAR RBEAR CHAR 49 12 0 Employee ID
DBEAR DBEAR DATS 61 8 0 Last Edited on
TBEAR TBEAR TIMS 69 6 0 Last Edited at
RBHER RBHER CHAR 75 10 0 Editing Source
PABLENT VVPABLENT DEC 85 10 7 Expiration Indemnity in %
PABZINS VVPABZINS DEC 91 10 7 Discount interest
PABFAK VVPABFAK DEC 97 10 7 Discount factor
PAFAG VVPAFAG DEC 103 10 7 Deprec. allowance (DeA) in % for garages
PAFAS VVPAFAS DEC 109 10 7 Deprec. allowance (DeA) for parking spaces in %
AGARAGE VVAGARAGE DEC 115 5 0 Number of garages
ASTELL VVASTELL DEC 118 5 0 Number of parking spaces
PAUSER VVPAUSER DEC 121 10 7 External area and development costs in %
PBAUNK VVBAUNK DEC 127 10 7 Construction incid. costs as % of net construction costs
BERMIN VVBERMIN CURR 133 13 2 Building stock reduction due to heritable building right
BBAUWERT VVBAUWERT CURR 140 13 2 Building value
BBAUOERB VVBBAUOERB CURR 147 13 2 Building Value Without Heritable Building
PBBAUT VVPBBAUT DEC 154 10 7 Special building parts in %
BBODEMIN VVBODEMIN CURR 160 13 2 Land value reduction due to heritable building right
BBODEN VVBBODEN CURR 167 13 2 Land value
BBODOERB VVBBODOERB CURR 174 13 2 Land Value Without Heritable Building
FGESAMT FGESA DEC 181 8 2 Total area
BGPREIS VVBGPREIS CURR 186 13 2 Total price per square unit
AJRND VVAJARND DEC 193 6 3 Number of years adjusted remaining life
AJMRND VVAJMRND DEC 197 3 0 No. of years of average economic remaining life
AJRLFZ VVAJRLFZ DEC 199 3 0 Heritable building right remaining life in years
SZUSTAND VVSZUSTAND NUMC 201 1 0 Condition of Building for Determining Building Value
PMAFABAU VVPMAFABAU DEC 202 10 7 Average depreciation allowance on construction costs in %
BNEUAUS VVBNEUAUS CURR 208 13 2 External area new value
BNEUBK VVBNEUBK CURR 215 13 2 Construction costs new value
BNEUBNK VVBNEUBNK CURR 222 13 2 Construction incidental costs new value
BNEUBS VVBNEUBS CURR 229 13 2 New Building Value Before Collateral Markdown
BNEUBT VVBNEUBT CURR 236 13 2 New value of special parts
BNEUG VVBNEUG CURR 243 13 2 Garages new value
BNEURBK VVBNEURBK CURR 250 13 2 Net construction costs new value
BNEUST VVBNEUST CURR 257 13 2 Parking spaces new value
BSTEH VVBSTEH CURR 264 13 2 Price per parking space/unit
BGEH VVBGEH CURR 271 13 2 Price per garage/unit
PSWIND VVPSWIND DEC 278 10 7 Asset value index 1914 (Basis 1914=100)
PSIAB VVPSIAB DEC 284 10 7 Collateral markdown in %
BSIAB VVBSIAB CURR 290 13 2 Collateral markdown amount
BZWBK VVBZWBK CURR 297 13 2 Present value of construction costs
BZWAER VVBZWAER CURR 304 13 2 Present value of external area and internal development
BZWBNK VVBZWBNK CURR 311 13 2 Present value of additional building costs
BZWBWS VVBZWBWS CURR 318 13 2 Present val. of building value bef. deducting coll.markdown
BZWBT VVBZWBT CURR 325 13 2 Present value of special elements
BZWG VVBZWG CURR 332 13 2 Present value of garages
BZWRBK VVBZWRBK CURR 339 13 2 Present value of net construction costs
BZWST VVBZWST CURR 346 13 2 Present value of parking spaces
BSZWGT VVBSZWGT CURR 353 13 2 Total current market value of building parts
BSNEUGT VVBSNEUGT CURR 360 13 2 Building parts new value total
JSIAB VVJABSOL CHAR 367 1 0 Absolute amount indicator
JNEUBT VVJABSOL CHAR 368 1 0 Absolute amount indicator
JNEUAUS VVJABSOL CHAR 369 1 0 Absolute amount indicator
JNEUBNK VVJABSOL CHAR 370 1 0 Absolute amount indicator

438670EUR:euro conversion of objcts and collateral value calculatn