SAP Table VDBLEW - Revenue value collateral value

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
RBLNR X VVRBLNR NUMC 3 10 0 VDHOBJBL Collateral Number
RERF RERF CHAR 13 12 0 Entered by
DERF DERF DATS 25 8 0 First Entered on
TERF TERF TIMS 33 6 0 Time of Initial Entry
REHER REHER CHAR 39 10 0 Source of initial entry
RBEAR RBEAR CHAR 49 12 0 Employee ID
DBEAR DBEAR DATS 61 8 0 Last Edited on
TBEAR TBEAR TIMS 69 6 0 Last Edited at
RBHER RBHER CHAR 75 10 0 Editing Source
PAFAW VVPAFA DEC 85 10 7 Markdown in %
BAFAW VVBAFA CURR 91 13 2 Depreciation amount
FAUSSENW VVFAUSSEN DEC 98 8 2 External area
BAUMIETW VVBAUMIET CURR 103 13 2 External area rent per unit
BAUROHW VVBAUROH CURR 110 13 2 External area monthly gross profit
PBETRIEBW VVPBETRIEB DEC 117 10 7 Operating costs in %
BBETRIEBW VVBBETRIEB CURR 123 13 2 Operating costs
PBEWIRTW VVPBEWIRT DEC 130 10 7 Administrative costs in %
BBEWIRTW VVBBEWIRT CURR 136 13 2 Administration costs
BERTRAGW BERTRAG CURR 143 13 2 Revenue value
AGARAGEW VVAGARAGE DEC 150 5 0 Number of garages
BGAROHW VVGAROH CURR 153 13 2 Garage monthly gross profit
BGAMIETW VVGAMIET CURR 160 13 2 Rent pro garage
ASTELLW VVASTELL DEC 167 5 0 Number of parking spaces
BSTROHW VVBSTROH CURR 170 13 2 Monthly Gross Revenue per Parking Space
BSTMIETW VVSTMIET CURR 177 13 2 Rent per parking space
PINSTANDW VVPINSTAND DEC 184 10 7 Maintenance costs in %
BINSTANDW VVBINSTAND CURR 190 13 2 Maintenance costs
PVWKW VVPVWK DEC 197 10 7 Management costs in %
BVWKW VVBVWK CURR 203 13 2 Administration Costs
PZINSW VVPZINS DEC 210 9 5 Capitalization interest
FMIOAUSW VVFMIOAUS DEC 215 8 2 Rental area without external area
BJREINW VVBJREIN CURR 220 13 2 Yearly net profit
BJROHW VVBJROH CURR 227 13 2 Yearly gross profit
PMIETAUSW VVPMIETAUS DEC 234 10 7 Risk of rent loss in %
BMIETAUSW VVBMIETAUS CURR 240 13 2 Risk of rent loss
BMOROHW VVBMOROH CURR 247 13 2 Monthly gross profit
SUFLAE VVSUFLAE UNIT 259 3 0 T006 Area unit
PAFAG VVPAFA DEC 262 10 7 Markdown in %
BAFAG VVBAFA CURR 268 13 2 Depreciation amount
FAUSSENG VVFAUSSEN DEC 275 8 2 External area
BAUMIETG VVBAUMIET CURR 280 13 2 External area rent per unit
BAUROHG VVBAUROH CURR 287 13 2 External area monthly gross profit
PBETRIEBG VVPBETRIEB DEC 294 10 7 Operating costs in %
BBETRIEBG VVBBETRIEB CURR 300 13 2 Operating costs
PBEWIRTG VVPBEWIRT DEC 307 10 7 Administrative costs in %
BBEWIRTG VVBBEWIRT CURR 313 13 2 Administration costs
BERTRAGG BERTRAG CURR 320 13 2 Revenue value
AGARAGEG VVAGARAGE DEC 327 5 0 Number of garages
BGAROHG VVGAROH CURR 330 13 2 Garage monthly gross profit
BGAMIETG VVGAMIET CURR 337 13 2 Rent pro garage
ASTELLG VVASTELL DEC 344 5 0 Number of parking spaces
BSTROHG VVBSTROH CURR 347 13 2 Monthly Gross Revenue per Parking Space
BSTMIETG VVSTMIET CURR 354 13 2 Rent per parking space
PINSTANDG VVPINSTAND DEC 361 10 7 Maintenance costs in %
BINSTANDG VVBINSTAND CURR 367 13 2 Maintenance costs
PVWKG VVPVWK DEC 374 10 7 Management costs in %
BVWKG VVBVWK CURR 380 13 2 Administration Costs
PZINSG VVPZINS DEC 387 9 5 Capitalization interest
FMIOAUSG VVFMIOAUS DEC 392 8 2 Rental area without external area
BJREING VVBJREIN CURR 397 13 2 Yearly net profit
BJROHG VVBJROH CURR 404 13 2 Yearly gross profit
PMIETAUSG VVPMIETAUS DEC 411 10 7 Risk of rent loss in %
BMIETAUSG VVBMIETAUS CURR 417 13 2 Risk of rent loss
BMOROHG VVBMOROH CURR 424 13 2 Monthly gross profit
BGEROHER VVBGEROHER CURR 431 13 2 Total yearly gross profit
FGESMIET VVFGESMIET DEC 438 8 2 Total area for rent
FSNUTZG VVFNUTZ DEC 443 8 2 Building part usable space
FSNUTZW VVFNUTZ DEC 448 8 2 Building part usable space
BSROHG VVBROH CURR 453 13 2 Gross revenue per period
BSROHW VVBROH CURR 460 13 2 Gross revenue per period
BERTRAG BERTRAG CURR 467 13 2 Revenue value
BSICHABW VVBSICHAB CURR 474 13 2 Collateral markdown
PSICHABW VVPSICHAB DEC 481 6 3 Collateral markdown in %
BSICHABG VVBSICHAB CURR 485 13 2 Collateral markdown
PSICHABG VVPSICHAB DEC 492 6 3 Collateral markdown in %
ARNDG VVARND DEC 496 5 0 Remaining Life for Revenue Value Calculation
ARNDW VVARND DEC 499 5 0 Remaining Life for Revenue Value Calculation

438670EUR:euro conversion of objcts and collateral value calculatn
90300Number ranges in Treasury: overview