SAP Table VDARLDVS - Print and dispatch control data for VDARL

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
BUKRS X BUKRS CHAR 3 4 0 T001 Company Code
SARCHIV X SARCHIV CHAR 7 1 0 Archiving Category Indicator
RANL X RANL CHAR 8 13 0 Contract Number
DBEGINEKA DBEGINEKA DATS 21 8 0 Start date of last external account statement
DLASTEKA DLASTEKA DATS 29 8 0 Key date of last external account statement
DCREATEEKA DCREATEEKA DATS 37 8 0 Creation date of last external account statement
SRHYEKA CREARHYEKA NUMC 45 1 0 Generation frequency of external account statement
STMTNREKA STMTNREKA NUMC 46 7 0 Number of last account statement
RESTCAPEKA RESTCAPEKA CURR 53 13 2 Remaining capital at evaluation start of ext. acct statement
DLASTZB DLASTZB DATS 60 8 0 Key date of the last interest certificate
SPROCZB SPROCZB NUMC 68 1 0 Processing type of interest certificate
CORR_ROLE TB_CORR_ROLE CHAR 69 4 0 TFK070M Correspondence Role
TCREATEEKA TB_CREATION_TSTAMP DEC 73 15 0 Creation Date and Time (Time Stamp)
EKA_NOT_PRINTED TB_EKA_NOT_PRINTED_FLAG CHAR 81 1 0 Account Statment Ordered But Not Yet Printed