SAP Table VDARC_DOC_REC - Carryforward Records for Reorganization of Loan Doc. Items

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
BUKRS X BUKRS CHAR 3 4 0 T001 Company Code
RANL X RANL CHAR 7 13 0 Contract Number
SLFDNR X VVSLFDNR NUMC 24 5 0 Sequence Number (Summarization of Loan Document Data)
SREORGSTAT X TB_SREORGSTAT CHAR 29 1 0 Status of a Loan Reorganization Flow
SPLANIST SPLANIST CHAR 30 1 0 Plan/actual record/record to be released indicator
SREFBEW SREFBEW CHAR 31 4 0 TZB0A Reference flow type
SBEWZITI SBEWZITI CHAR 35 4 0 TZB03 Flow category
SREFZITI VVSREFZITI CHAR 39 4 0 TZB03 Refer.flow category in accrual/deferral flow records
S_SSDREF VVS_SSDREF CHAR 43 4 0 TZB03 Reference flow category in borrower's note loan flow records
SREVALEXCL VVSREVALEXCL CHAR 47 1 0 Price gains w/o proportionate gains from deferral write-back
SWOHER SWOHER CHAR 48 1 0 Source of flow record
DGUEL_KK DGUEL DATS 49 8 0 Date Condition Effective from
SKOART SKOART NUMC 57 4 0 TZK01 Condition Type (Smallest Subdivision of Condition Records)
SVORGANG SVORFALL CHAR 61 4 0 Business Operation (Activity)
ACENV ACENV_LO NUMC 65 4 0 Source in TR-LO posting area
DGUEL_KP DGUEL_KP DATS 69 8 0 Condition Item Effecitve from
NSTUFE NSTUFE NUMC 77 2 0 Level number of condition item for recurring payments
SVORGKZ VVSVORGKZ NUMC 79 2 0 Activity indicator for debit/credit control
SSOLHAB VVSSOLHAB CHAR 81 1 0 Debit/credit indicator
SBERFIMA SBEWFIMA CHAR 82 4 0 Calculation Category for Cash Flow Calculator
SSTCKKZ SSTCKKZ CHAR 86 1 0 Accrued interest method
SZBMETH SZBMETH CHAR 87 1 0 Interest Calculation Method
ABASTAGE ABASTAGE NUMC 90 6 0 Number of base days in a calculation period
PKOND PKOND DEC 96 10 7 Percentage rate for condition items
DPKOND VVDPKOND DATS 102 8 0 Determination date for percentage rate of condition items
SBASIS SBASIS CHAR 110 4 0 TZFB Calculation base indicator
JSOFVERR JSOFVERR CHAR 114 1 0 Immediate settlement
DVALUT DVALUT DATS 115 8 0 Calculation Date
SINCL VVSINCL NUMC 123 1 0 Inclusive indicator for beginning and end of a period
SVULT VVSVULT CHAR 124 1 0 Month-End Indicator for Value Date
DBERVON DBERVON DATS 125 8 0 Start of Calculation Period
SEXCLVON VVSEXCLVON NUMC 133 1 0 Exclusive Indicator for the Start of a Calculation Period
SULTVON VVSULTVON CHAR 134 1 0 Month-End Indicator for Start of a Calculation Period
DBERBIS DBERBIS DATS 135 8 0 End of Calculation Period
SINCLBIS VVSINCLBIS NUMC 143 1 0 Inclusive Indicator for the End of a Calculation Period
SULTBIS VVSULTBIS CHAR 144 1 0 Month-End Indicator for the End of a Calculation Period
ATAGE VVATAGE NUMC 145 6 0 Number of days
DFAELL DFAELL DATS 151 8 0 Due date
DDISPO DDISPO DATS 159 8 0 Payment Date
SPEINCL TFMSPEINCL NUMC 175 1 0 Inclusive Indicator for End Date of a Period
SPEULT TFMSPEULT CHAR 176 1 0 Month-End Indicator for End of a Period
DVERRECH VVDVERRECH DATS 177 8 0 Settlement date
SINCLVERR VVSINCLVER NUMC 185 1 0 Inclusive Indicator for Clearing Date
SULTVERR VVSULTVERR CHAR 186 1 0 Month-End Indicator for Clearing Date
DBUDAT BUDAT DATS 187 8 0 Posting Date in the Document
SNWHR SNWHR CUKY 195 5 0 TCURC Currency of nominal amount
BNWHR BNWHR CURR 200 13 2 Nominal amount
SBWHR SBWHR CUKY 207 5 0 TCURC Position Currency (Currency of Position Amount)
BBWHR BBWHR CURR 212 13 2 Amount in position currency
SCWHR SCWHR CUKY 219 5 0 TCURC Settlement Currency
BCWHR BCWHR CURR 224 13 2 Settlement Amount
SHWHR SHWHR CUKY 231 5 0 TCURC Local currency
BHWHR BHWHR CURR 236 13 2 Amount in local currency
BBASIS BBASIS CURR 243 13 2 Calculation base amount
PEFFZINS PEFFZINS DEC 250 10 7 Effective Interest Rate
SEFFMETH SEFFMETH NUMC 256 1 0 Effective Interest Method (Financial Mathematics)
KUNNR KUNNR CHAR 257 10 0 KNA1 Customer Number
RPARTNR BP_PARTNR_NEW CHAR 267 10 0 Business Partner Number
HDN_KUNNR HDN_KUNNR CHAR 277 10 0 KNA1 Main Borrower Customer Number
RSOLL RSOLL CHAR 287 10 0 Account for debit posting
RHABEN RHABEN CHAR 297 10 0 Account for credit posting
RREFKONT RREFKONT CHAR 307 8 0 T037S Account Assignment Reference in Financial Assets Management
HKONT HKONT CHAR 315 10 0 General Ledger Account
GSBER GSBER CHAR 325 4 0 TGSB Business Area