SAP Table VBLB - Sales document: Release order data

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
VBELN X VBELN_VA CHAR 3 10 0 Sales Document
POSNR X POSNR_VA NUMC 13 6 0 Sales Document Item
ABRLI X ABRLI NUMC 19 4 0 Internal delivery schedule number
ABART X ABART CHAR 23 1 0 Release type
DOCNUM EDI_DOCNUM NUMC 24 16 0 IDoc number
ABEFZ ABKFZ QUAN 40 15 3 Cumulative Quantity Received by Customer
ABRAB ABRAB DATS 48 8 0 Dlv. sched. valid from
ABRBI ABRBI DATS 56 8 0 SA rel. valid to
LABNK LABNK CHAR 64 17 0 Customer number for forecast / JIT dlv. sched.
ABRDT ABRDT DATS 81 8 0 Delivery Schedule Date
TERSL TERSL CHAR 89 1 0 Date key for schedule line dates
LFDKD LFDKD DATS 90 8 0 Date of last delivery posted by the customer
LFNKD LFNKD CHAR 98 10 0 Last delivery confirmed by the customer
ABFDA ABFDA DATS 108 8 0 Start of production go-ahead
ABFDE ABFDE DATS 116 8 0 End of production go-ahead
ABMDA ABMDA DATS 124 8 0 Start of material go-ahead
ABMDE ABMDE DATS 132 8 0 End of material go-ahead
ABLLI ABLLI NUMC 140 4 0 Last internal release order number
HIFFZ HIFFZ QUAN 144 15 3 Highest cumulative production go-ahead quantity
HIFFZLI HIFFZLI NUMC 152 4 0 Internal schedule no.for highest prod.go-ahead cml.qty
HIMFZ HIMFZ QUAN 156 15 3 Highest cumulative material go-ahead quantity
HIMFZLI HIMFZLI NUMC 164 4 0 Internal schedule number for highest mat.go-ahead cml.qty
ERDAT ERDAT DATS 168 8 0 Date on Which Record Was Created
ERZEI ERZET TIMS 176 6 0 Entry time
ERNAM ERNAM CHAR 182 12 0 Name of Person who Created the Object
HILFZ HILFZ QUAN 194 15 3 Highest delivery go-ahead cumulative quantity
HILFZLI HILFZLI NUMC 202 4 0 Internal schedule number for highest dlv.go-ahead cml.qty
ABHOR ABHOR DATS 206 8 0 JIT horizon
GJKUN GJKUN NUMC 214 4 0 Customer fiscal year
VJKUN VJKUN NUMC 218 4 0 Customer fiscal year which is not yet closed
AKMFZ AKMFZ QUAN 222 15 3 Actual cumulative material go-ahead quantity
AKFFZ AKFFZ QUAN 230 15 3 Actual cumulative production go-ahead quantity
AKLFZ AKLFZ QUAN 238 15 3 Actual cumulative delivery go-ahead quantity
KRITB KRITB CHAR 246 1 0 Key for high priority stock
LABKY BSTAS CHAR 247 1 0 Requirements status key
VBRST VBRST CHAR 248 14 0 Customer point of consumption
EDLLS LFEDL CHAR 262 20 0 Last dlv. note sent by ext. service agent to the customer
EDLDT EDLDT DATS 282 8 0 Date of last delivery sent by external agent to customer
LFMKD LFMKD QUAN 290 13 3 Last delivery quantity received by the customer
UMVKZ UMVKZ DEC 297 5 0 Numerator (factor) for conversion of sales quantity into SKU
UMVKN UMVKN DEC 300 5 0 Denominator (Divisor) for Conversion of Sales Qty into SKU
USR01 USR01_D CHAR 303 35 0 Additional data field 1 for delivery schedules
USR02 USR02_D CHAR 338 35 0 Additional data field 2 for delivery schedules
USR03 USR03_D CHAR 373 35 0 Additional data field 3 for delivery schedules
USR04 USR04_D CHAR 408 10 0 Additional data field 4 for delivery schedules
USR05 USR05_D CHAR 418 10 0 Additional data field 5 for delivery schedules
CYEFZ CYEFZ QUAN 428 15 3 Cumulative quantity reached on date zero setting made
CYDAT CYDAT DATS 436 8 0 Date on which cumulative received quantity set to zero
MFLAUF MFLAUF NUMC 444 3 0 Material go-ahead - validity period
MFEIN MFEIN CHAR 447 1 0 Material go-ahead - unit validity period
FFLAUF FFLAUF NUMC 448 3 0 Production go-ahead - validity period
FFEIN FFEIN CHAR 451 1 0 Production go-ahead - Unit validity period
ABRDT_ORG ABRDT_ORG DATS 452 8 0 Delivery schedule date of creation
LFMAIS LFMAIS CHAR 460 20 0 Last pick-up sheet sent by the customer
MAIDT MAIDT DATS 480 8 0 Date of last pick-up sheet
AEDAT AEDAT DATS 488 8 0 Changed On

208010Update termination in VERKBELEG_WRITE_DOCUMENT
579450Incorrect fiscal year change with variant 'C'
580783Fiscal year change with variant 'C': analysis report
561879Fiscal year change with variant 'C' incorrect
368008Fiscal year change for scheduling agreements
353059Creating screen SAPMV45A 9000
95747Incorrect proposal of cumul. go-ahead quantities