SAP Table VBBS - Sales Requirement Totals Record

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
MATNR X MATNR CHAR 3 18 0 MARA Material Number
WERKS X WERKS_D CHAR 21 4 0 T001W Plant
MBDAT X MBDAT DATS 25 8 0 Material Staging/Availability Date
LGORT X LGORT_D CHAR 33 4 0 T001L Storage Location
CHARG X CHARG_D CHAR 37 10 0 MCH1 Batch Number
VBTYP X VBTYP CHAR 47 1 0 SD document category
BDART X BDART CHAR 48 2 0 Requirement type
PLART X PLART CHAR 50 1 0 Planning type
OMENG OMENG QUAN 51 15 3 Open Qty in Stockkeeping Units for Transfer of Reqmts to MRP
VMENG VMENG QUAN 59 15 3 Confirmed quantity for availability check in SKU
MEINS MEINS UNIT 67 3 0 T006 Base Unit of Measure
NODIS NODIS CHAR 70 1 0 Requirements record not relevant to MRP
VPZUO VPZUO CHAR 71 1 0 Allocation Indicator
VPMAT VPMAT CHAR 72 18 0 MARA Planning material
VPWRK VPWRK CHAR 90 4 0 T001W Planning plant
PRBME PRBME UNIT 94 3 0 T006 Base unit of measure for product group
UMREF UMREFF FLTP 104 16 16 Conversion factor: quantities
PZMNG PZMNG QUAN 112 15 3 Planned allocation quantity for independent requirements
SOBKZ SOBKZ CHAR 120 1 0 T148 Special Stock Indicator
KZVBR KZVBR CHAR 121 1 0 Consumption Posting
SERNR SERNR CHAR 122 8 0 SNUM BOM explosion number
PLNKZ PLNKZ CHAR 130 1 0 Planning Indicator

354938Deadlocks in delivery update
997573enable external calls for requirement calculation
900537FAQ: Error messages when archiving materials
207942MRP: Problems with requirements from sales order/delivery
547508FAQ: Schedule line overview and ATP
772856FAQ: Consumption of planned independent requirements
25444SDRQCR21: Recovery of sales and delivery requirements
647017Performance of SDRQCR21
606282FAQ: Returns processing, requirements and ATP
47045Tip check list f. indep.reqs.reduc./consmptn probs.
62126Availability check + reqs f. stock trans. delivery