SAP Table VBAP - Sales Document: Item Data

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
VBELN X VBELN_VA CHAR 3 10 0 Sales Document
POSNR X POSNR_VA NUMC 13 6 0 Sales Document Item
MATNR MATNR CHAR 19 18 0 MARA Material Number
MATWA MATWA CHAR 37 18 0 MARA Material entered
PMATN PMATN CHAR 55 18 0 MARA Pricing Reference Material
CHARG CHARG_D CHAR 73 10 0 MCH1 Batch Number
MATKL MATKL CHAR 83 9 0 T023 Material Group
ARKTX ARKTX CHAR 92 40 0 Short text for sales order item
PSTYV PSTYV CHAR 132 4 0 TVPT Sales document item category
POSAR POSAR CHAR 136 1 0 Item type
LFREL LFREL_AP CHAR 137 1 0 Item is relevant for delivery
FKREL FKREL CHAR 138 1 0 Relevant for Billing
UEPOS UEPOS NUMC 139 6 0 Higher-level item in bill of material structures
GRPOS GRPOS NUMC 145 6 0 Item for which this item is an alternative
ABGRU ABGRU_VA CHAR 151 2 0 TVAG Reason for rejection of quotations and sales orders
PRODH PRODH_D CHAR 153 18 0 T179 Product hierarchy
ZWERT DZWERT CURR 171 13 2 Target Value for Outline Agreement in Document Currency
ZMENG DZMENG QUAN 178 13 3 Target quantity in sales units
ZIEME DZIEME UNIT 185 3 0 T006 Target quantity UoM
UMZIZ UMZIZ DEC 188 5 0 Factor for converting sales units to base units (target qty)
UMZIN UMZIN DEC 191 5 0 Factor for converting sales units to base units (target qty)
MEINS MEINS UNIT 194 3 0 T006 Base Unit of Measure
SMENG SMENG QUAN 197 13 3 Scale quantity in base unit of measure
ABLFZ ABLFZ QUAN 204 13 3 Rounding quantity for delivery
ABDAT ABDAT DATS 211 8 0 Reconciliation Date for Agreed Cumulative Quantity
ABSFZ ABSFZ QUAN 219 13 3 Allowed deviation in quantity (absolute)
POSEX POSEX CHAR 226 6 0 Item Number of the Underlying Purchase Order
KDMAT MATNR_KU CHAR 232 35 0 Material Number Used by Customer
KBVER KBVER DEC 267 3 0 Allowed deviation in quantity (in percent)
KEVER KEVER DEC 269 3 0 Days by which the quantity can be shifted
VKGRU VKGRU CHAR 271 3 0 TVRMAVK Repair Processing: Classification of Items
VKAUS ABRVW CHAR 274 3 0 TVLV Usage Indicator
GRKOR GRKOR NUMC 277 3 0 Delivery group (items are delivered together)
FMENG FMENG CHAR 280 1 0 Quantity is Fixed
UEBTK UEBTK_V CHAR 281 1 0 Unlimited overdelivery allowed
UEBTO UEBTO DEC 282 3 1 Overdelivery Tolerance Limit
UNTTO UNTTO DEC 284 3 1 Underdelivery Tolerance Limit
FAKSP FAKSP_AP CHAR 286 2 0 TVFS Billing block for item
ATPKZ ATPKZ CHAR 288 1 0 Replacement part
RKFKF RKFKF CHAR 289 1 0 Method of billing for CO/PPC orders
SPART SPART CHAR 290 2 0 TSPA Division
GSBER GSBER CHAR 292 4 0 TGSB Business Area
NETWR NETWR_AP CURR 296 15 2 Net value of the order item in document currency
WAERK WAERK CUKY 304 5 0 TCURC SD Document Currency
ANTLF ANTLF DEC 309 1 0 Maximum Number of Partial Deliveries Allowed Per Item
KZTLF KZTLF CHAR 310 1 0 Partial delivery at item level
CHSPL CHSPL CHAR 311 1 0 Batch split allowed
KWMENG KWMENG QUAN 312 15 3 Cumulative Order Quantity in Sales Units
LSMENG LSMENG QUAN 320 15 3 Cumulative required delivery qty (all dlv-relev.sched.lines)
KBMENG KBMENG QUAN 328 15 3 Cumulative confirmed quantity in sales unit
KLMENG KLMENG QUAN 336 15 3 Cumulative confirmed quantity in base unit
VRKME VRKME UNIT 344 3 0 T006 Sales unit
UMVKZ UMVKZ DEC 347 5 0 Numerator (factor) for conversion of sales quantity into SKU
UMVKN UMVKN DEC 350 5 0 Denominator (Divisor) for Conversion of Sales Qty into SKU
BRGEW BRGEW_AP QUAN 353 15 3 Gross Weight of the Item
NTGEW NTGEW_AP QUAN 361 15 3 Net Weight of the Item
GEWEI GEWEI UNIT 369 3 0 T006 Weight Unit
VOLUM VOLUM_AP QUAN 372 15 3 Volume of the item
VOLEH VOLEH UNIT 380 3 0 T006 Volume unit
VBELV VBELV CHAR 383 10 0 Originating document
POSNV POSNV NUMC 393 6 0 Originating item
VGBEL VGBEL CHAR 399 10 0 Document number of the reference document
VGPOS VGPOS NUMC 409 6 0 Item number of the reference item
VOREF VOREF CHAR 415 1 0 Complete reference indicator
UPFLU UPFLV CHAR 416 1 0 Update indicator for sales document document flow
ERLRE ERLRE CHAR 417 1 0 Completion rule for quotation / contract
LPRIO LPRIO NUMC 418 2 0 Delivery Priority
WERKS WERKS_EXT CHAR 420 4 0 T001W Plant (Own or External)
LGORT LGORT_D CHAR 424 4 0 T001L Storage Location
VSTEL VSTEL CHAR 428 4 0 Shipping Point/Receiving Point
STKEY STKEY CHAR 438 1 0 Origin of the bill of material
STDAT STDAT DATS 439 8 0 Key date of the bill of material
STLNR STNUM CHAR 447 8 0 Bill of material
STPOS STPOS_VBAP DEC 455 5 0 Bill of material item number VBAP not used
AWAHR AWAHR NUMC 458 3 0 Order probability of the item
ERDAT ERDAT DATS 461 8 0 Date on Which Record Was Created
ERNAM ERNAM CHAR 469 12 0 Name of Person who Created the Object
ERZET ERZET TIMS 481 6 0 Entry time
TAXM1 TAXMT CHAR 487 1 0 Tax classification material
TAXM2 TAXMT CHAR 488 1 0 Tax classification material
TAXM3 TAXMT CHAR 489 1 0 Tax classification material
TAXM4 TAXMT CHAR 490 1 0 Tax classification material
TAXM5 TAXMT CHAR 491 1 0 Tax classification material
TAXM6 TAXMT CHAR 492 1 0 Tax classification material
TAXM7 TAXMT CHAR 493 1 0 Tax classification material
TAXM8 TAXMT CHAR 494 1 0 Tax classification material
TAXM9 TAXMT CHAR 495 1 0 Tax classification material
VBEAF VBEAF DEC 496 5 2 Fixed shipping processing time in days (= setup time)
VBEAV VBEAV DEC 499 5 2 Variable shipping processing time in days
VGREF VGREF CHAR 502 1 0 Preceding document has resulted from reference
NETPR NETPR CURR 503 11 2 Net price
KPEIN KPEIN DEC 509 5 0 Condition pricing unit
KMEIN KMEIN UNIT 512 3 0 T006 Condition unit
SHKZG SHKZG_VA CHAR 515 1 0 Returns Item
SKTOF SKTOF CHAR 516 1 0 Cash discount indicator
MTVFP MTVFP CHAR 517 2 0 TMVF Checking Group for Availability Check
SUMBD SUMBD CHAR 519 1 0 Summing up of requirements
KONDM KONDM CHAR 520 2 0 T178 Material Pricing Group
KTGRM KTGRM CHAR 522 2 0 Account assignment group for this material
BONUS BONUS CHAR 524 2 0 Volume rebate group
PROVG PROVG CHAR 526 2 0 Commission group
EANNR EANNR CHAR 528 13 0 European Article Number (EAN) - obsolete!!!!!
PRSOK PRSOK CHAR 541 1 0 Pricing is OK
BWTAR BWTAR_D CHAR 542 10 0 T149D Valuation Type
BWTEX BWTEX CHAR 552 1 0 Indicator: Separate valuation
XCHPF XCHPF CHAR 553 1 0 Batch management requirement indicator
XCHAR XCHAR CHAR 554 1 0 Batch management indicator (internal)
LFMNG MINLF QUAN 555 13 3 Minimum delivery quantity in delivery note processing
STAFO STAFO CHAR 562 6 0 Update group for statistics update
WAVWR WAVWR CURR 568 13 2 Cost in document currency
KZWI1 KZWI1 CURR 575 13 2 Subtotal 1 from pricing procedure for condition
KZWI2 KZWI2 CURR 582 13 2 Subtotal 2 from pricing procedure for condition
KZWI3 KZWI3 CURR 589 13 2 Subtotal 3 from pricing procedure for condition
KZWI4 KZWI4 CURR 596 13 2 Subtotal 4 from pricing procedure for condition
KZWI5 KZWI5 CURR 603 13 2 Subtotal 5 from pricing procedure for condition
KZWI6 KZWI6 CURR 610 13 2 Subtotal 6 from pricing procedure for condition
STCUR STCUR_AP DEC 617 9 5 Exchange rate for statistics (Exch.rate at time of creation)
AEDAT AEDAT DATS 622 8 0 Changed On
EAN11 EAN11 CHAR 630 18 0 International Article Number (EAN/UPC)
FIXMG FIXMG CHAR 648 1 0 Delivery date and quantity fixed
PRCTR PRCTR CHAR 649 10 0 Profit Center
MVGR1 MVGR1 CHAR 659 3 0 Material group 1
MVGR2 MVGR2 CHAR 662 3 0 Material group 2
MVGR3 MVGR3 CHAR 665 3 0 Material group 3
MVGR4 MVGR4 CHAR 668 3 0 Material group 4
MVGR5 MVGR5 CHAR 671 3 0 Material group 5
KMPMG KMPMG QUAN 674 13 3 Component quantity
SUGRD SUGRD CHAR 681 4 0 Reason for material substitution
SOBKZ SOBKZ CHAR 685 1 0 T148 Special Stock Indicator
VPZUO VPZUO CHAR 686 1 0 Allocation Indicator
PAOBJNR RKEOBJNR NUMC 687 10 0 Profitability Segment Number (CO-PA)
PS_PSP_PNR PS_PSP_PNR NUMC 697 8 0 PRPS Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS Element)
AUFNR AUFNR CHAR 705 12 0 AUFK Order Number
VPMAT VPMAT CHAR 717 18 0 MARA Planning material
VPWRK VPWRK CHAR 735 4 0 T001W Planning plant
PRBME PRBME UNIT 739 3 0 T006 Base unit of measure for product group
UMREF UMREFF FLTP 744 16 16 Conversion factor: quantities
KNTTP KNTTP CHAR 752 1 0 T163K Account Assignment Category
KZVBR KZVBR CHAR 753 1 0 Consumption Posting
SERNR SERNR CHAR 754 8 0 SNUM BOM explosion number
OBJNR OBJPO CHAR 762 22 0 ONR00 Object number at item level
ABGRS ABGR_SCHL CHAR 784 6 0 Results Analysis Key
BEDAE BEDAE CHAR 790 4 0 T459A Requirements type
CMPRE CMPRE CURR 794 11 2 Item credit price
CMTFG CMTFG CHAR 800 1 0 ID for partial release of order item, credit block
CMPNT CMPNT CHAR 801 1 0 ID: Item with active credit function / relevant for credit
CMKUA CMKUA DEC 802 9 5 Credit data exchange rate for requested delivery date
CUOBJ CUOBJ_VA NUMC 807 18 0 Configuration
CUOBJ_CH CUOBJ_CH NUMC 825 18 0 Internal object number of the batch classification
CEPOK CEPOK CHAR 843 1 0 Status expected price
KOUPD KOUPD CHAR 844 1 0 Condition update
SERAIL SERAIL CHAR 845 4 0 T377P Serial Number Profile
ANZSN ANZSN INT4 852 10 0 Number of serial numbers
NACHL NACHL CHAR 856 1 0 Customer has not posted goods receipt
MAGRV MAGRV CHAR 857 4 0 Material Group: Packaging Materials
MPROK MPROK CHAR 861 1 0 Status manual price change
VGTYP VBTYP_V CHAR 862 1 0 Document category of preceding SD document
PROSA PROSA CHAR 863 1 0 ID for material determination
UEPVW UEPVW CHAR 864 1 0 ID for higher-level item usage
KALNR CK_KALNR NUMC 865 12 0 Cost Estimate Number for Cost Est. w/o Qty Structure
KLVAR CK_KLVAR CHAR 877 4 0 TCK03 Costing Variant
SPOSN SPOSN CHAR 881 4 0 BOM Item Number
KOWRR KOWRR CHAR 885 1 0 Statistical values
STADAT STADAT DATS 886 8 0 Statistics date
EXART EXART CHAR 894 2 0 T605 Business Transaction Type for Foreign Trade
PREFE PREFE CHAR 896 1 0 Preference indicator in export/import
KNUMH KNUMH_CH CHAR 897 10 0 Number of condition record from batch determination
CLINT CLINT NUMC 907 10 0 Internal Class Number
CHMVS CHMVS NUMC 917 3 0 Batches: Exit to quantity proposal
STLTY STLTY CHAR 920 1 0 BOM category
STLKN STLKN NUMC 921 8 0 BOM item node number
STPOZ CIM_COUNT NUMC 929 8 0 Internal counter
STMAN CUINK CHAR 937 1 0 Inconsistent configuration
ZSCHL_K AUFZSCHL CHAR 938 6 0 Overhead key
KALSM_K AUFKALSM CHAR 944 6 0 T683 Costing Sheet
KALVAR CK_KLVAR CHAR 950 4 0 TCK03 Costing Variant
KOSCH KOSCH CHAR 954 18 0 T190S Product allocation determination procedure
UPMAT UPMAT CHAR 972 18 0 MARA Pricing reference material of main item
UKONM UKONM CHAR 990 2 0 T178 Material pricing group of main item
MFRGR MFRGR CHAR 992 8 0 TMFG Material freight group
PLAVO PLAVO CHAR 1000 4 0 Planning delivery schedule instruction
KANNR KANNR CHAR 1004 35 0 KANBAN/sequence number
CMPRE_FLT CMPRE_FLT FLTP 1040 16 16 Item credit price
ABFOR ABSFORM_CM CHAR 1048 2 0 T691K Form of payment guarantee
ABGES ABGES_CM FLTP 1056 16 16 Guaranteed (factor between 0 and 1)
J_1BCFOP J_1BCFOP CHAR 1064 10 0 J_1BAG CFOP Code and Extension
J_1BTAXLW1 J_1BTAXLW1 CHAR 1074 3 0 J_1BATL1 Tax law: ICMS
J_1BTAXLW2 J_1BTAXLW2 CHAR 1077 3 0 J_1BATL2 Tax law: IPI
J_1BTXSDC J_1BTXSDC_ CHAR 1080 2 0 J_1BTXSDC SD tax code
WKTNR WKTNR CHAR 1082 10 0 Value contract no.
WKTPS WKTPS NUMC 1092 6 0 Value contract item
SKOPF W_SORTK CHAR 1098 18 0 WSOH Assortment module
KZBWS KZBWS CHAR 1116 1 0 Valuation of Special Stock
WGRU1 WGRU_HIE1 CHAR 1117 18 0 Material group hierarchy 1
WGRU2 WGRU_HIE2 CHAR 1135 18 0 Material group hierarchy 2
KNUMA_PI KNUMA_PI CHAR 1153 10 0 KONA Promotion
KNUMA_AG KNUMA_AG CHAR 1163 10 0 KONA Sales deal
KZFME KZFME CHAR 1173 1 0 ID: Leading unit of measure for completing a transaction
LSTANR LSTANR CHAR 1174 1 0 Free goods delivery control
TECHS TECHS CHAR 1175 12 0 Parameter Variant/Standard Variant
MWSBP MWSBP CURR 1187 13 2 Tax amount in document currency
PCTRF PCTRF CHAR 1204 10 0 Profit Center for Billing
LOGSYS_EXT LOGSYS CHAR 1214 10 0 Logical system
J_1BTAXLW3 J_1BTAXLW3 CHAR 1224 3 0 J_1BATL3 ISS Tax Law
J_1BTAXLW5 J_1BTAXLW5 CHAR 1230 3 0 J_1BATL5 PIS Tax Law
STOCKLOC STOCKLOC CHAR 1233 20 0 First Inventory-Managing Location
SLOCTYPE SLOCTYPE CHAR 1253 4 0 Type of First Inventory-Managing Location
NRAB_KNUMH KNUMH CHAR 1264 10 0 Condition record number
/BEV1/SRFUND /BEV1/SRBEFUND CHAR 1274 2 0 TVAG Analysis/Reason for Rejection
AUFPL_OLC CO_AUFPL NUMC 1276 10 0 Routing number of operations in the order
APLZL_OLC CIM_COUNT NUMC 1286 8 0 Internal counter
FERC_IND FE_IND CHAR 1294 4 0 FERC_C7 Regulatory indicator
KOSTL KOSTL CHAR 1298 10 0 Cost Center
FONDS BP_GEBER CHAR 1308 10 0 Fund
FISTL FISTL CHAR 1318 16 0 Funds Center
FKBER FKBER CHAR 1334 16 0 Functional Area
IST_ADD_NUMBER IST_ADD_NUMBER CHAR 1370 20 0 Internal number for additional data object
DOCUMENT DOKNR CHAR 1390 25 0 Document number
DOC_TYPE DOKAR CHAR 1415 3 0 TDWA Document Type
DOC_PART DOKTL_D CHAR 1418 3 0 Document Part
DOC_VERS DOKVR CHAR 1421 2 0 Document Version
PRODCAT WMINR CHAR 1423 10 0 WWMI Product catalog number
LAYPOSNR LAYPOSNR NUMC 1443 10 0 Layout area number
LAYITEM LBPID NUMC 1453 10 0 Identifier for layout area item
ISUPRODUCT ESALES_PRODUCT CHAR 1463 18 0 Utility product
VSTELLE VSTELLE CHAR 1481 10 0 Premise
PRS_OBJNR PRS_OBJNR CHAR 1492 22 0 Engagement mgmt: Object number
PRS_SD_SPSNR PRS_SD_SPSNR NUMC 1514 8 0 Standard WBS Element for Project Inception via SD
PRS_WORK_PERIOD PRS_WORK_PERIOD NUMC 1522 7 0 Work Period (Internal Representation)
PARGB PARGB CHAR 1529 4 0 TGSB Trading Partner's Business Area
AUFPL_OAA CO_AUFPL NUMC 1533 10 0 Routing number of operations in the order
APLZL_OAA CIM_COUNT NUMC 1543 8 0 Internal counter

997733Note 980214 causes problems with tables VBAP, LIPS, VBRP
1000686Order account assignment incorrect w/ CO account assignment
1011055Obsolete DBM CO user exit /DBM/CO_USEREXIT_FILL_SGTXT
391314Missing billing documents or conditions in rebate
201351Sales order master data is missing in substitution
900047Message V1 854: Lost configuration
815441Revenue Recognition: Append Structures - Upgrade Issue
623652Scenario A: Structures in R/3
565621Incorrct chars. with intercompany incoming sales order II
636422Runtime of APO initial data transfer for sales orders
445032Performance APO initial transfer sales orders
528660CRM DOWNLOAD: empty order quantity for order from R/3
510425Stock category on item level (EBAN, EKPO and VBAP)
396628Warning:O5 118: Excise Duty Validation Error in line 000000
350068Additionl fields in VA05:Customer material number as example
379497SAPKKA14: Program termination with DIF_RSQL_INVALID_RSQL
371902Error message V2402 when changing sales order
363141Termination: No status object is available BS001
187906Performance: Customer developments in PP and PM
327461Error message 00011 when changing document currency