SAP Table VBAK - Sales Document: Header Data

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
VBELN X VBELN_VA CHAR 3 10 0 Sales Document
ERDAT ERDAT DATS 13 8 0 Date on Which Record Was Created
ERZET ERZET TIMS 21 6 0 Entry time
ERNAM ERNAM CHAR 27 12 0 Name of Person who Created the Object
ANGDT ANGDT_V DATS 39 8 0 Quotation/Inquiry is valid from
BNDDT BNDDT DATS 47 8 0 Date until which bid/quotation is binding (valid-to date)
AUDAT AUDAT DATS 55 8 0 Document Date (Date Received/Sent)
VBTYP VBTYP CHAR 63 1 0 SD document category
TRVOG TRVOG CHAR 64 1 0 Transaction group
AUART AUART CHAR 65 4 0 TVAK Sales Document Type
AUGRU AUGRU CHAR 69 3 0 Order reason (reason for the business transaction)
GWLDT GWLDT DATS 72 8 0 Guarantee date
SUBMI SUBMI_SD CHAR 80 10 0 Collective number (SD)
LIFSK LIFSK CHAR 90 2 0 TVLS Delivery block (document header)
FAKSK FAKSK CHAR 92 2 0 TVFS Billing block in SD document
NETWR NETWR_AK CURR 94 15 2 Net Value of the Sales Order in Document Currency
WAERK WAERK CUKY 102 5 0 TCURC SD Document Currency
VKORG VKORG CHAR 107 4 0 TVKO Sales Organization
VTWEG VTWEG CHAR 111 2 0 TVTW Distribution Channel
SPART SPART CHAR 113 2 0 TSPA Division
VKGRP VKGRP CHAR 115 3 0 TVKGR Sales Group
VKBUR VKBUR CHAR 118 4 0 TVBUR Sales Office
GSBER GSBER CHAR 122 4 0 TGSB Business Area
GSKST GSKST CHAR 126 4 0 TGSB Business area from cost center
GUEBG GUEBG DATS 130 8 0 Valid-from date (outline agreements, product proposals)
GUEEN GUEEN DATS 138 8 0 Valid-to date (outline agreements, product proposals)
KNUMV KNUMV CHAR 146 10 0 Number of the document condition
VDATU EDATU_VBAK DATS 156 8 0 Requested delivery date
VPRGR PRGRS_VBAK CHAR 164 1 0 Proposed date type
AUTLF AUTLF CHAR 165 1 0 Complete delivery defined for each sales order?
VBKLA VBKLA CHAR 166 9 0 Original system with release and transaction control
VBKLT VBKLT CHAR 175 1 0 SD document indicator
KALSM KALSMASD CHAR 176 6 0 T683 Sales and Distribution: Pricing Procedure in Pricing
VSBED VSBED CHAR 182 2 0 TVSB Shipping Conditions
FKARA FKARA CHAR 184 4 0 Proposed billing type for an order-related billing document
AWAHR AWAHR_AK NUMC 188 3 0 Sales probability
KTEXT KTEXT_V CHAR 191 40 0 Search term for product proposal
BSTNK BSTNK CHAR 231 20 0 Customer purchase order number
BSARK BSARK CHAR 251 4 0 T176 Customer purchase order type
BSTDK BSTDK DATS 255 8 0 Customer purchase order date
BSTZD BSTZD CHAR 263 4 0 Purchase order number supplement
IHREZ IHREZ CHAR 267 12 0 Your Reference
BNAME BNAME_V CHAR 279 35 0 Name of orderer
TELF1 TELF1_VP CHAR 314 16 0 Telephone Number
MAHZA MAHZA DEC 330 3 0 Number of contacts from the customer
MAHDT MAHDT DATS 332 8 0 Last customer contact date
KUNNR KUNAG CHAR 340 10 0 KNA1 Sold-to party
KOSTL KOSTL CHAR 350 10 0 Cost Center
STAFO STAFO CHAR 360 6 0 Update group for statistics update
STWAE STWAE CUKY 366 5 0 TCURC Statistics currency
AEDAT AEDAT DATS 371 8 0 Changed On
KVGR1 KVGR1 CHAR 379 3 0 Customer group 1
KVGR2 KVGR2 CHAR 382 3 0 Customer group 2
KVGR3 KVGR3 CHAR 385 3 0 Customer group 3
KVGR4 KVGR4 CHAR 388 3 0 Customer group 4
KVGR5 KVGR5 CHAR 391 3 0 Customer group 5
KNUMA KNUMA CHAR 394 10 0 KONA Agreement (various conditions grouped together)
KOKRS KOKRS CHAR 404 4 0 TKA01 Controlling Area
PS_PSP_PNR PS_PSP_PNR NUMC 408 8 0 PRPS Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS Element)
KURST KURST CHAR 416 4 0 TCURV Exchange Rate Type
KKBER KKBER CHAR 420 4 0 T014 Credit Control Area
KNKLI KNKLI CHAR 424 10 0 KNA1 Customer's account number with credit limit reference
GRUPP GRUPP_CM CHAR 434 4 0 Customer Credit Group
SBGRP SBGRP_CM CHAR 438 3 0 Credit representative group for credit management
CTLPC CTLPC_CM CHAR 441 3 0 Credit management: Risk category
CMWAE WAERS_CM CUKY 444 5 0 TCURC Currency key of credit control area
CMFRE CMFRE DATS 449 8 0 Release date of the document determined by credit management
CMNUP CMNUP DATS 457 8 0 Date of next credit check of document
CMNGV CMNGV DATS 465 8 0 Next date
AMTBL AMTBL_CM CURR 473 15 2 Released credit value of the document
HITYP_PR HITYP_PR CHAR 481 1 0 THIT Hierarchy type for pricing
ABRVW ABRVW CHAR 482 3 0 TVLV Usage Indicator
ABDIS ABDIS CHAR 485 1 0 MRP for delivery schedule types
VGBEL VGBEL CHAR 486 10 0 Document number of the reference document
OBJNR OBJKO CHAR 496 22 0 ONR00 Object number at header level
BUKRS_VF BUKRS_VF CHAR 518 4 0 T001 Company code to be billed
TAXK1 TAXK1_AK CHAR 522 1 0 Alternative tax classification
TAXK2 TAXK2 CHAR 523 1 0 Tax classification 2 for customer
TAXK3 TAXK3 CHAR 524 1 0 Tax classification 3 for customer
TAXK4 TAXK4 CHAR 525 1 0 Tax Classification 4 Customer
TAXK5 TAXK5 CHAR 526 1 0 Tax classification 5 for customer
TAXK6 TAXK6 CHAR 527 1 0 Tax classification 6 for customer
TAXK7 TAXK7 CHAR 528 1 0 Tax classification 7 for customer
TAXK8 TAXK8 CHAR 529 1 0 Tax classification 8 for customer
TAXK9 TAXK9 CHAR 530 1 0 Tax classification 9 for customer
XBLNR XBLNR_V1 CHAR 531 16 0 Reference Document Number
ZUONR ORDNR_V CHAR 547 18 0 Assignment number
VGTYP VBTYP_V CHAR 565 1 0 Document category of preceding SD document
KALSM_CH KALSMA_CH CHAR 566 6 0 T683 Search procedure for batch determination
AGRZR AGRZR NUMC 572 2 0 Accrual period for order-related billing be accrued
AUFNR AUFNR CHAR 574 12 0 AUFK Order Number
QMNUM QMNUM CHAR 586 12 0 QMEL Notification No
VBELN_GRP VBELN_GRP CHAR 598 10 0 Mster contract number
SCHEME_GRP SCHEME_GRP CHAR 608 4 0 TVGRPS Referencing requirement: Procedure
ABRUF_PART ABRUF_PART CHAR 612 1 0 Check partner authorizations
ABHOD ABHOD DATS 613 8 0 Pick up date
ABHOV ABHOZ TIMS 621 6 0 Pick up time
ABHOB ABHOZ TIMS 627 6 0 Pick up time
RPLNR RPLNR CHAR 633 10 0 FPLA Number of payment card plan type
VZEIT EZEIT_VBAK TIMS 643 6 0 Proposed schedule line time (local with ref. to sales org.)
STCEG_L LAND1TX CHAR 649 3 0 T005 Tax Destination Country
LANDTX LANDTX CHAR 652 3 0 T005 Tax departure country
XEGDR XEGDR CHAR 655 1 0 Indicator: Triangular deal within the EU ?
ENQUEUE_GRP ENQUEUE_GRP CHAR 656 1 0 Block master contr. until all lower level contracts updated
DAT_FZAU DAT_FZAU DATS 657 8 0 Cml delivery order qty date
FMBDAT MBDAT DATS 665 8 0 Material Staging/Availability Date
VSNMR_V VSNMR_V CHAR 673 12 0 Sales document version number
HANDLE TSEGGUID_VBAK CHAR 685 22 0 International unique key for VBAK-VBELN
PROLI ADGE_PROLI CHAR 707 3 0 Dangerous Goods Management Profile in SD Documents
CONT_DG ADGE_NCDG CHAR 710 1 0 Indicator: Document contains dangerous goods
CRM_GUID CHAR70 CHAR 711 70 0 Character field, length 70
UPD_TMSTMP TIMESTAMPL DEC 781 21 7 UTC Time Stamp in Long Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmssmmmuuun)
MSR_ID MSR_PROCESS_ID CHAR 792 10 0 Process Identification Number
TM_CTRL_KEY TM_CTRL_KEY CHAR 802 1 0 Control Key for Document Transfer to SAP TM
PSM_BUDAT PSM_BUDAT DATS 806 8 0 Posting Date in the Document
SWENR HB_SWENR CHAR 816 8 0 VIOB01 Business Entity Number
SMENR HB_SMENR CHAR 824 8 0 VIMI01 Number of Sales Unit
MTLAUR HB_MTLAUR CHAR 843 1 0 CHBSNCM Marker for Low Income Housing
STAGE HB_STAGE INT4 844 10 0 Construction Stage
HB_CONT_REASON HB_CONT CHAR 848 2 0 Contingency data
HB_EXPDATE HB_EXP DATS 850 8 0 Expiration date
HB_RESDATE HB_RES DATS 858 8 0 Resolution date
LOGSYSB LOGSYSB CHAR 868 10 0 Logical system with which document was created
KALCD KALCD CHAR 878 6 0 T683 Procedure for Campaign Determination
MULTI CMPC_MULT_CAMPAIGN CHAR 884 1 0 Multiple Campaigns/Trade Promotions Active Indicator
SPPAYM SPPAYM CHAR 885 2 0 Payment Form for Special Payment Method

899456CO integration CRM: Passing on characteristics to CO-PA
391314Missing billing documents or conditions in rebate
540735Bank and payment data for SD invoice
201351Sales order master data is missing in substitution
594845Long runtimes in program SDBONT01
864583Empty fields in lists quotations, orders, contracts
633282Error V4 220 - Field H_CURR is not in VBAK or VBKD
497327Download sales order: Filters do not work
7563Accessing TNAD1-5 not always successful
143580Information on SD BAPIs and customer enhancement concept
520045Change of CRM documents in the R/3 Backend System, part 2
517063CO-PA error with transfer of CRM order into R/3
395054Incorrect chars. for intercompany incoming sales orders
565621Incorrct chars. with intercompany incoming sales order II
570625Sales order download: additional filters
363343Parallel processing of RVKRED77 if the runtime is too long
441172Error message when changing currency in contracts
182292VBAK/VBRK error when translating an exchange rate in KONV
392057R/3 LCM enhancements for CRM 3.0 delivery scenario
21734Determining sales tax (VAT) from any partner
26466VKM4: Credit limit, performance
163795Exclude deadlock VBRK, VBAK
358152SD_VBAK: Installment plans are not archived
130417Pricing preparation in billing document (user exit)
339690High response time of RIBELF00
185530Performance: Customer developments in SD
315236Performance probs cancelling order-relatd
311772S3VBAKPT: too many database cursors are opened
208192Causes for message V1042 when creating sales orders