SAP Table USSDPHNM - USS Documents: Usage of Target Anchors in Physical Objects

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
REP2_ID X SDOK_PHID CHAR 0 32 0 Physical document
REP1_ID X SDOK_LOID CHAR 32 32 0 Logical document
REP2_CLASS SDOK_PHCL CHAR 64 10 0 SDOKIOCL Physical document class
REP1_CLASS SDOK_LOCL CHAR 74 10 0 SDOKIOCL Class of logical document
REIO_ID SDOK_REID CHAR 84 32 0 Relationship between logical and physical documents
RE_CLASS SDOK_RECL CHAR 116 10 0 SDOKIOCL Relationship class
CREA_USER SDOK_CRUSR CHAR 126 12 0 Created by
CREA_TIME SDOK_CRTST NUMC 138 14 0 Creation Time (UTC)
CHNG_USER SDOK_CHUSR CHAR 152 12 0 Last changed by
CHNG_TIME SDOK_CHTST NUMC 164 14 0 Time of change (UTC)
DESCRIPT SDOK_DESCR CHAR 178 64 0 Short Description