SAP Table USSDIDXSTA - USS Documents: Status Table for Indexing of Documents

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
CATID X SRET_CATID CHAR 0 32 0 Index category identification
PHIO_ID X SDOK_PHID CHAR 32 32 0 Physical document
PH_CLASS SDOK_PHCL CHAR 64 10 0 SDOKIOCL Physical document class
LANGU SPRAS LANG 74 1 0 T002 Language Key
ACTION SDOK_IDACT CHAR 75 1 0 Type of action to be performed
STATUS SDOK_STAT CHAR 76 1 0 Indexing/deindexing status
RCODE SRET_RCODE NUMC 77 4 0 Return code
ERROR_CNT SDOK_ERCNT INT1 81 3 0 Number of failed attempts at (de)indexing
CREA_TIME SDOK_LCTST DEC 82 21 7 Creation time (UTC): Long representation
NBOFCOMPS SDOK_CNUMB NUMC 93 10 0 Number of components of a PHIO
SAPCP SRET_SAPCP NUMC 103 4 0 TCP00 SAP internal code page