SAP Table AFRP0 - Table of planned changes for confirmation (PDC)

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
PDSNR X PDSNR_D NUMC 3 12 0 Sequential number for PDC messages
COUNTER X CIM_COUNT NUMC 15 8 0 Internal counter
ERNAM AUFERFNAM CHAR 23 12 0 Entered by
ERTSTAMPS TZNTSTMPS DEC 35 15 0 UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss)
RU_PCOUNT RU_PCOUNT INT4 44 10 0 Number of failed attempts at a confirmation
RU_ORINA RU_ORINA CHAR 48 1 0 Origin indicator: Confirmation application
RU_ORINI RU_ORINI CHAR 49 1 0 Origin indicator: Confirmation interface
RU_VSWBN VSWBN CHAR 50 1 0 Indicator: Goods movements are already determined
WEBLNR WEBLNR CHAR 51 10 0 Number of a document from a goods movement with errors
RUECK CO_RUECK NUMC 61 10 0 Completion confirmation number for the operation
AUFNR AUFNR CHAR 71 12 0 AUFK Order Number
VORNR VORNR CHAR 89 4 0 Operation/Activity Number
UVORN UVORN CHAR 93 4 0 Suboperation
KAPAR KAPART CHAR 97 3 0 TC26 Capacity category
SPLIT CY_SPLIT INT1 100 3 0 Split number
AUERU AUERU_VS CHAR 101 1 0 Partial/Final Confirmation
AUSOR AUSBU CHAR 102 1 0 Clear Open Reservations
BUDAT BUCHDATUM DATS 103 8 0 Posting date
GRUND CO_AGRND CHAR 111 4 0 Reason for Variance
LTXA1 CO_RTEXT CHAR 115 40 0 Confirmation text
EXNAM RU_EXNAM CHAR 155 12 0 External creator of confirmation
EXERD RU_EXERD DATS 167 8 0 External date of entry for confirmation
EXERZ RU_EXERZ TIMS 175 6 0 External time of entry for confirmation
MEINH RU_VORME UNIT 181 3 0 T006 Confirmation unit of measure
LMNGA RU_LMNGA QUAN 184 13 3 Yield to Be Confirmed
XMNGA RU_XMNGA QUAN 191 13 3 Scrap to Be Confirmed
RMNGA RU_RMNGA QUAN 198 13 3 Current rework quantity to be confirmed
ISDD RU_ISDD DATS 205 8 0 Confirmed date for start of execution
ISDZ RU_ISDZ TIMS 213 6 0 Confirmed time for 'Execution start'
IERD RU_IERD DATS 219 8 0 Confirmed date for 'Setup finish'
IERZ RU_IERZ TIMS 227 6 0 Confirmed time for 'Setup finish'
ISBD RU_ISBD DATS 233 8 0 Confirmed date for 'Processing start'
ISBZ RU_ISBZ TIMS 241 6 0 Confirmed time for 'Processing start'
IEBD RU_IEBD DATS 247 8 0 Confirmed date for 'processing finish'
IEBZ RU_IEBZ TIMS 255 6 0 Confirmed time for 'processing finish'
ISAD RU_ISAD DATS 261 8 0 Confirmed date for 'teardown start'
ISAZ RU_ISAZ TIMS 269 6 0 Confirmed time for 'teardown start'
IEDD RU_IEDD DATS 275 8 0 Confirmed date for execution finish
IEDZ RU_IEDZ TIMS 283 6 0 Confirmed time for 'Execution finish'
PEDD CO_PEDD DATS 289 8 0 Forecast finish date of operation from confirmation
PEDZ CO_PEDZ TIMS 297 6 0 Forecast finish time of operation from confirmation
WERKS WERKS_D CHAR 303 4 0 T001W Plant
ARBPL ARBPL CHAR 307 8 0 Work center
SATZA CO_SATZA CHAR 315 3 0 Record type for confirmation
ILE01 CO_ISMNGEH UNIT 318 3 0 T006 Unit of measure for the activity to be confirmed
ISM01 RU_ISMNG QUAN 321 13 3 Activity Currently to be Confirmed
LEK01 CO_LEIKZ CHAR 328 1 0 Indicator: No remaining activity expected
ILE02 CO_ISMNGEH UNIT 329 3 0 T006 Unit of measure for the activity to be confirmed
ISM02 RU_ISMNG QUAN 332 13 3 Activity Currently to be Confirmed
LEK02 CO_LEIKZ CHAR 339 1 0 Indicator: No remaining activity expected
ILE03 CO_ISMNGEH UNIT 340 3 0 T006 Unit of measure for the activity to be confirmed
ISM03 RU_ISMNG QUAN 343 13 3 Activity Currently to be Confirmed
LEK03 CO_LEIKZ CHAR 350 1 0 Indicator: No remaining activity expected
ILE04 CO_ISMNGEH UNIT 351 3 0 T006 Unit of measure for the activity to be confirmed
ISM04 RU_ISMNG QUAN 354 13 3 Activity Currently to be Confirmed
LEK04 CO_LEIKZ CHAR 361 1 0 Indicator: No remaining activity expected
ILE05 CO_ISMNGEH UNIT 362 3 0 T006 Unit of measure for the activity to be confirmed
ISM05 RU_ISMNG QUAN 365 13 3 Activity Currently to be Confirmed
LEK05 CO_LEIKZ CHAR 372 1 0 Indicator: No remaining activity expected
ILE06 CO_ISMNGEH UNIT 373 3 0 T006 Unit of measure for the activity to be confirmed
ISM06 RU_ISMNG QUAN 376 13 3 Activity Currently to be Confirmed
LEK06 CO_LEIKZ CHAR 383 1 0 Indicator: No remaining activity expected
IPRZ1 RU_IPRZS QUAN 384 13 3 Current quantity to be confirmed for the business process
IPRE1 RU_IPRZE UNIT 391 3 0 T006 Unit of measurement for conf. quantity for business process
IPRK1 RU_IPRZK CHAR 394 1 0 No remaining quantity expected for business process
ABARB CO_ABARB NUMC 395 3 0 Confirmation: Degree of processing
OFE01 VGWRTEH UNIT 398 3 0 T006 Unit of measure for the standard value
OFM01 CO_SCHAETZ QUAN 401 9 3 Forecast value used to update the standard value
OFE02 VGWRTEH UNIT 406 3 0 T006 Unit of measure for the standard value
OFM02 CO_SCHAETZ QUAN 409 9 3 Forecast value used to update the standard value
OFE03 VGWRTEH UNIT 414 3 0 T006 Unit of measure for the standard value
OFM03 CO_SCHAETZ QUAN 417 9 3 Forecast value used to update the standard value
OFE04 VGWRTEH UNIT 422 3 0 T006 Unit of measure for the standard value
OFM04 CO_SCHAETZ QUAN 425 9 3 Forecast value used to update the standard value
OFE05 VGWRTEH UNIT 430 3 0 T006 Unit of measure for the standard value
OFM05 CO_SCHAETZ QUAN 433 9 3 Forecast value used to update the standard value
OFE06 VGWRTEH UNIT 438 3 0 T006 Unit of measure for the standard value
OFM06 CO_SCHAETZ QUAN 441 9 3 Forecast value used to update the standard value
OPRZ1 OPRZ1 QUAN 446 13 3 Remaining quantity for business process
OPRE1 OPRE1 UNIT 453 3 0 T006 Unit for remaining quantity of business process
PERNR CO_PERNR NUMC 456 8 0 Personnel number
ZAUSW DZAUSW NUMC 464 8 0 Time Recording ID Number
LOART LOHNART CHAR 472 4 0 Wage Type
QUALF QUALF CHAR 476 2 0 T423 Suitability
ANZMA ANZMS DEC 478 5 2 Number of employees
LOGRP LOHNGRP CHAR 481 3 0 T421 Wage group
ZEIER DZEIER UNIT 484 3 0 T006 Unit for the break time
ISERH ISERH QUAN 487 9 3 Confirmed break time
SLK01 RU_TARGET_ACTIVITY CHAR 492 1 0 Indicator: Determine target activity
SLK02 RU_TARGET_ACTIVITY CHAR 493 1 0 Indicator: Determine target activity
SLK03 RU_TARGET_ACTIVITY CHAR 494 1 0 Indicator: Determine target activity
SLK04 RU_TARGET_ACTIVITY CHAR 495 1 0 Indicator: Determine target activity
SLK05 RU_TARGET_ACTIVITY CHAR 496 1 0 Indicator: Determine target activity
SLK06 RU_TARGET_ACTIVITY CHAR 497 1 0 Indicator: Determine target activity
SPRK1 RU_TARGET_BUS_PROC CHAR 498 1 0 Indicator: Determine target qty for business transaction
EXTID RU_EXTID RAW 499 16 0 External Key for Confirmation (for example, from PDC System)
LDATE LDATE DATS 515 8 0 Logical Date
LTIME LTIME TIMS 523 6 0 Logical time