SAP Table AFRD - Default values for collective confirmation

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
AUTYP X AUFTYP NUMC 3 2 0 Order category
UNAME X UNAME CHAR 5 12 0 User Name
RUECK CO_RUECK NUMC 17 10 0 Completion confirmation number for the operation
BUDAT BUCHDATUM DATS 27 8 0 Posting date
WERKS WERKS_D CHAR 43 4 0 T001W Plant
LTXA1 CO_RTEXT CHAR 47 40 0 Confirmation text
ISERH ISERH QUAN 87 9 3 Confirmed break time
ZEIER DZEIER UNIT 92 3 0 T006 Unit for the break time
ILE01 CO_ISMNGEH UNIT 95 3 0 T006 Unit of measure for the activity to be confirmed
ISM01 RU_ISMNG QUAN 98 13 3 Activity Currently to be Confirmed
ILE02 CO_ISMNGEH UNIT 105 3 0 T006 Unit of measure for the activity to be confirmed
ISM02 RU_ISMNG QUAN 108 13 3 Activity Currently to be Confirmed
ILE03 CO_ISMNGEH UNIT 115 3 0 T006 Unit of measure for the activity to be confirmed
ISM03 RU_ISMNG QUAN 118 13 3 Activity Currently to be Confirmed
ILE04 CO_ISMNGEH UNIT 125 3 0 T006 Unit of measure for the activity to be confirmed
ISM04 RU_ISMNG QUAN 128 13 3 Activity Currently to be Confirmed
ILE05 CO_ISMNGEH UNIT 135 3 0 T006 Unit of measure for the activity to be confirmed
ISM05 RU_ISMNG QUAN 138 13 3 Activity Currently to be Confirmed
ILE06 CO_ISMNGEH UNIT 145 3 0 T006 Unit of measure for the activity to be confirmed
ISM06 RU_ISMNG QUAN 148 13 3 Activity Currently to be Confirmed
ABARB CO_ABARB NUMC 155 3 0 Confirmation: Degree of processing
ISMNW ISMNW QUAN 158 7 1 Actual work
ISMNE ARBEITE UNIT 162 3 0 T006 Unit for work
LEARR LEARR CHAR 165 6 0 Activity Type for Confirmation
IDAUR IDAUR QUAN 171 5 1 Actual Duration for Confirmation
IDAUE IDAURE UNIT 174 3 0 T006 Unit for actual duration
ZCODE DZCODE CHAR 177 6 0 Reference number for standard value code
LOART LOHNART CHAR 183 4 0 Wage Type
QUALF QUALF CHAR 187 2 0 T423 Suitability
ANZMA ANZMS DEC 189 5 2 Number of employees
LOGRP LOHNGRP CHAR 192 3 0 T421 Wage group
GMNGA RU_GMNGA QUAN 195 13 3 Previously confirmed yield in order unit of measure
LMNGA RU_LMNGA QUAN 202 13 3 Yield to Be Confirmed
XMNGA RU_XMNGA QUAN 209 13 3 Scrap to Be Confirmed
GMEIN MEINS UNIT 216 3 0 T006 Base Unit of Measure
MEINH RU_VORME UNIT 219 3 0 T006 Confirmation unit of measure
GRUND CO_AGRND CHAR 222 4 0 Reason for Variance
PERNR CO_PERNR NUMC 226 8 0 Personnel number
ISDD RU_ISDD DATS 234 8 0 Confirmed date for start of execution
ISDZ RU_ISDZ TIMS 242 6 0 Confirmed time for 'Execution start'
IERD RU_IERD DATS 248 8 0 Confirmed date for 'Setup finish'
IERZ RU_IERZ TIMS 256 6 0 Confirmed time for 'Setup finish'
ISBD RU_ISBD DATS 262 8 0 Confirmed date for 'Processing start'
ISBZ RU_ISBZ TIMS 270 6 0 Confirmed time for 'Processing start'
IEBD RU_IEBD DATS 276 8 0 Confirmed date for 'processing finish'
IEBZ RU_IEBZ TIMS 284 6 0 Confirmed time for 'processing finish'
ISAD RU_ISAD DATS 290 8 0 Confirmed date for 'teardown start'
ISAZ RU_ISAZ TIMS 298 6 0 Confirmed time for 'teardown start'
IEDD RU_IEDD DATS 304 8 0 Confirmed date for execution finish
IEDZ RU_IEDZ TIMS 312 6 0 Confirmed time for 'Execution finish'
PEDD CO_PEDD DATS 318 8 0 Forecast finish date of operation from confirmation
PEDZ CO_PEDZ TIMS 326 6 0 Forecast finish time of operation from confirmation
AUERU AUERU CHAR 332 1 0 Activate final confirmation
AUSOR AUSBU CHAR 333 1 0 Clear Open Reservations
STNDR STNDR CHAR 334 1 0 Indicator: Standard confirmation
MANUR MANUR CHAR 335 1 0 Indicator for type of confirmation
MEILR MEILR CHAR 336 1 0 Indicator: Milestone confirmation carried out
AUFNR AUFNR CHAR 337 12 0 AUFK Order Number
APLFL PLNFOLGE CHAR 349 6 0 Sequence
VORNR VORNR CHAR 355 4 0 Operation/Activity Number
OFM01 CO_SCHAETZ QUAN 359 9 3 Forecast value used to update the standard value
OFE01 VGWRTEH UNIT 364 3 0 T006 Unit of measure for the standard value
LEK01 CO_LEIKZ CHAR 367 1 0 Indicator: No remaining activity expected
OFM02 CO_SCHAETZ QUAN 368 9 3 Forecast value used to update the standard value
OFE02 VGWRTEH UNIT 373 3 0 T006 Unit of measure for the standard value
LEK02 CO_LEIKZ CHAR 376 1 0 Indicator: No remaining activity expected
OFM03 CO_SCHAETZ QUAN 377 9 3 Forecast value used to update the standard value
OFE03 VGWRTEH UNIT 382 3 0 T006 Unit of measure for the standard value
LEK03 CO_LEIKZ CHAR 385 1 0 Indicator: No remaining activity expected
OFM04 CO_SCHAETZ QUAN 386 9 3 Forecast value used to update the standard value
OFE04 VGWRTEH UNIT 391 3 0 T006 Unit of measure for the standard value
LEK04 CO_LEIKZ CHAR 394 1 0 Indicator: No remaining activity expected
OFM05 CO_SCHAETZ QUAN 395 9 3 Forecast value used to update the standard value
OFE05 VGWRTEH UNIT 400 3 0 T006 Unit of measure for the standard value
LEK05 CO_LEIKZ CHAR 403 1 0 Indicator: No remaining activity expected
OFM06 CO_SCHAETZ QUAN 404 9 3 Forecast value used to update the standard value
OFE06 VGWRTEH UNIT 409 3 0 T006 Unit of measure for the standard value
LEK06 CO_LEIKZ CHAR 412 1 0 Indicator: No remaining activity expected
OFMNW REMNW QUAN 413 7 1 Remaining work
OFMNE OFMNE UNIT 417 3 0 T006 Unit of measure for remaining work
LEKNW LEKNW CHAR 420 1 0 Indicator: No Remaining Work Expected
ODAUR ODAUR QUAN 421 5 1 Remaining duration of activity
ODAUE ODAUE UNIT 424 3 0 T006 Unit for remaining duration
SMENG MGVRG QUAN 427 13 3 Operation Quantity
SPLIT CY_SPLIT INT1 434 3 0 Split number
ZAUSW DZAUSW NUMC 435 8 0 Time Recording ID Number
KAPAR KAPART CHAR 443 3 0 TC26 Capacity category
UVORN UVORN CHAR 446 4 0 Suboperation
CATSBELNR CATSBELNR CHAR 450 10 0 Document Number
CATSPRICE CATSPRICE CURR 460 11 2 Price in Transaction Currency
CATSTCURR TWAER CUKY 466 5 0 TCURC Transaction Currency
CATSPEINH PEINH DEC 471 5 0 Price Unit
RMNGA RU_RMNGA QUAN 474 13 3 Current rework quantity to be confirmed
BEMOT BEMOT CHAR 481 2 0 TBMOT Accounting Indicator
PRZ01 CO_PRZNR CHAR 483 12 0 CBPR Business Process
IPRZ1 RU_IPRZS QUAN 495 13 3 Current quantity to be confirmed for the business process
IPRE1 RU_IPRZE UNIT 502 3 0 T006 Unit of measurement for conf. quantity for business process
IPRK1 RU_IPRZK CHAR 505 1 0 No remaining quantity expected for business process
OPRZ1 OPRZ1 QUAN 506 13 3 Remaining quantity for business process
OPRE1 OPRE1 UNIT 513 3 0 T006 Unit for remaining quantity of business process
SCRID RU_SCRID CHAR 516 1 0 ID for collective entry input list
NODAT NODAT CHAR 517 1 0 Do not update actual date in the operation
ISMNW_2 ISMNW_2 QUAN 518 8 2 Actual Work
OFMNW_2 REMNW_2 QUAN 523 8 2 Remaining Work
ISMNU ARBEITE UNIT 528 3 0 T006 Unit for work
OFMNU ARBEITE UNIT 531 3 0 T006 Unit for work
PACKNO PACKNO NUMC 534 10 0 Package number

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