SAP Table AFFT - Order - Process Instructions

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
AUFPL X CO_AUFPL NUMC 3 10 0 Routing number of operations in the order
APLZL X CO_APLZL NUMC 13 8 0 General counter for order
APHZL X PLNPH NUMC 21 8 0 Internal Sub-Calculation Number
AFTZL X PLNFT NUMC 29 8 0 Internal process instruction number
PLNTY PLNTY CHAR 37 1 0 TCA01 Task List Type
PLNNR PLNNR CHAR 38 8 0 Key for Task List Group
PLNKN PLNKN NUMC 46 8 0 Number of the task list node
PLNPH PLNPH NUMC 54 8 0 Internal Sub-Calculation Number
PLNFT PLNFT NUMC 62 8 0 Internal process instruction number
ZAEHL CIM_COUNT NUMC 70 8 0 Internal counter
FTRNR R_FTNR CHAR 78 4 0 Line Number of Process Instruction
CSTYP CO_CSTYP CHAR 82 2 0 Object type: proc.message category or proc. instr. category
COSTR R_COSTR CHAR 84 8 0 Process instruction category
CSKTX R_CSKTX CHAR 92 40 0 Short description of process instruction
FTTYP CO_FTTYP CHAR 132 1 0 TCB01 Type of process instruction
FTRNI R_FTNR CHAR 133 4 0 Line Number of Process Instruction
AENNR AENNR CHAR 137 12 0 Change Number

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