SAP Table AFFH - PRT assignment data for the work order

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
AUFPL X CO_AUFPL NUMC 3 10 0 Routing number of operations in the order
PZLFH X PZLFH NUMC 13 8 0 Item counter for production resources/tools
LOEKZ LKENZ CHAR 24 1 0 Deletion Indicator
PARKZ PARKZ CHAR 25 1 0 Indicator: inactive changes
DATUI ANDAT DATS 26 8 0 Date record created on
USERI ANNAM CHAR 34 12 0 User who created record
DATUC AEDAT DATS 46 8 0 Changed On
USERC AENAM CHAR 54 12 0 Name of Person Who Changed Object
OBJTY CR_OBJTY CHAR 66 2 0 Object types of the CIM resource
OBJID CR_OBJID NUMC 68 8 0 CRID Object ID of the resource
PLNTY_KEY PLNTY CHAR 76 1 0 TCA01 Task List Type
PLNNR_KEY PLNNR CHAR 77 8 0 Key for Task List Group
PZLFH_KEY PZLFH NUMC 85 8 0 Item counter for production resources/tools
ZAEHL_KEY CIM_COUNT NUMC 93 8 0 Internal counter
OBJCT OBJCT_D CHAR 101 1 0 Object of a task list
APLZL CIM_COUNT NUMC 102 8 0 Internal counter
PSNFH PSNFH NUMC 110 4 0 Item Number for Production Resource/Tool
OBJNR J_OBJNR CHAR 114 22 0 ONR00 Object number
STEUF STEUF CHAR 136 4 0 TCF10 Control key for management of production resources/tools
KZKBL KZKBL CHAR 140 1 0 Indicator: Create load records for prod. resources/tools
BZOFFB BZOFFB CHAR 141 2 0 TCA54 Reference date to start of production resource/tool usage
OFFSTB OFFSTB QUAN 143 5 0 Offset to start of production resource/tool usage
EHOFFB EHOFFB UNIT 146 3 0 T006 Offset unit for start of prod. resource/tool usage
BZOFFE BZOFFE CHAR 149 2 0 TCA54 Reference date for end of production resource/tool usage
OFFSTE OFFSTE QUAN 151 5 0 Offset to finish of production resource/tool usage
EHOFFE EHOFFE UNIT 154 3 0 T006 Offset unit for end of production resource/tool usage
FSFHD CF_FSFHD DATS 157 8 0 Earliest scheduled start (date) for PRT usage
FSFHZ CF_FSFHZ TIMS 165 6 0 Earliest scheduled start (time) for PRT usage
FEFHD CF_FEFHD DATS 171 8 0 Earliest scheduled finish (date) of PRT usage
FEFHZ CF_FEFHZ TIMS 179 6 0 Earliest scheduled end (time) of PRT usage
SSFHD CF_SSFHD DATS 185 8 0 Latest scheduled start (date) for PRT usage
SSFHZ CF_SSFHZ TIMS 193 6 0 Latest scheduled start (time) for PRT usage
SEFHD CF_SEFHD DATS 199 8 0 Latest scheduled finish (date) of PRT usage
SEFHZ CF_SEFHZ TIMS 207 6 0 Latest scheduled end (time) for PRT usage
ISFHD CF_ISFHD DATS 213 8 0 Actual start (date) of PRT usage
ISFHZ CF_ISFHZ TIMS 221 6 0 Actual start (time) of PRT usage
IEFHD CF_IEFHD DATS 227 8 0 Actual finish (date) of PRT usage
IEFHZ CF_IEFHZ TIMS 235 6 0 Actual finish (time) of PRT usage
DAUFL CF_DAUFL FLTP 248 16 16 Duration of PRT usage
DAUEH CF_DAUEH UNIT 256 3 0 T006 Time unit for duration of PRT usage
MGEINH MGEINH UNIT 259 3 0 T006 Quantity unit of production resource/tool
MGVGW MGVGW QUAN 262 9 3 Standard value for the PRT quantity
MGSOLEH MGEINH UNIT 267 3 0 T006 Quantity unit of production resource/tool
MGSOL MGSOL QUAN 270 9 3 Total planned quantity of production resource/tool
MGISTEH MGEINH UNIT 275 3 0 T006 Quantity unit of production resource/tool
MGIST MGIST QUAN 278 9 3 Confirmed quantity of production resource/tool
MGRSTEH MGEINH UNIT 283 3 0 T006 Quantity unit of production resource/tool
MGRST MGRST QUAN 286 9 3 Remaining quantity of the production resource/tool
MGAUSEH MGEINH UNIT 291 3 0 T006 Quantity unit of production resource/tool
MGAUS MGAUS QUAN 294 9 3 Quantity of checked-out production resources/tools
MGFORM CF_MGFORM CHAR 299 6 0 TC25 Formula for calculating the total quantity of PRT
EWEINH EWEINH UNIT 305 3 0 T006 Usage value unit of the production resource/tool
EWVGW EWVGW QUAN 308 9 3 Standard usage value for production resources/tools
EWSOLEH EWEINH UNIT 313 3 0 T006 Usage value unit of the production resource/tool
EWSOL EWSOL QUAN 316 9 3 Total planned usage value of production resource/tool
EWISTEH EWEINH UNIT 321 3 0 T006 Usage value unit of the production resource/tool
EWIST EWIST QUAN 324 9 3 Actual usage value for production resource/tool
EWRSTEH EWEINH UNIT 329 3 0 T006 Usage value unit of the production resource/tool
EWRST EWRST QUAN 332 9 3 Remaining usage value of the production resource/tool
EWFORM CF_EWFORM CHAR 337 6 0 TC25 Formula for calculating the total usage value of PRT
TXTSP SPRAS LANG 343 1 0 T002 Language Key
KTSCH CF_KTSCH CHAR 344 7 0 T435 Standard text key for production resources/tools
TXTZ1 TXTZ1 CHAR 351 40 0 First line of text for production resources/tools
OBJTYPE OCM_OBJ_TYPE CHAR 391 1 0 Change indicator
CH_PROC OCM_CH_PROC CHAR 392 1 0 Process that has lead to the change of an object
AENNR AENNR CHAR 393 12 0 Change Number

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