SAP Table ADR2 - Telephone Numbers (Business Address Services)

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
CLIENT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
ADDRNUMBER X AD_ADDRNUM CHAR 3 10 0 Address number
DATE_FROM X AD_DATE_FR DATS 23 8 0 Valid-from date - in current Release only 00010101 possible
CONSNUMBER X AD_CONSNUM NUMC 31 3 0 Sequence number
COUNTRY AD_COMCTRY CHAR 34 3 0 T005 Country for telephone/fax number
FLGDEFAULT AD_FLGDFNR CHAR 37 1 0 Standard Sender Address in this Communication Type
FLG_NOUSE AD_FLNOUSE CHAR 38 1 0 Flag: This Communication Number is Not Used
HOME_FLAG AD_FLGHOME CHAR 39 1 0 Recipient address in this communication type (mail sys.grp)
TEL_NUMBER AD_TLNMBR CHAR 40 30 0 Telephone no.: dialling code+number
TEL_EXTENS AD_TLXTNS CHAR 70 10 0 Telephone no.: Extension
TELNR_LONG AD_TELNRLG CHAR 80 30 0 Complete Number: Dialling Code+Number+Extension
TELNR_CALL AD_TELNRCL CHAR 110 30 0 Telephone number for determining caller
DFT_RECEIV AD_FLGSMS CHAR 140 1 0 Indicator: Telephone is SMS-Enabled
R3_USER AD_FLGMOB CHAR 141 1 0 Indicator: Telephone is a Mobile Telephone
VALID_FROM AD_VALFROM CHAR 142 14 0 Communication Data: Valid From (YYYYMMDDHHMMSS)
VALID_TO AD_VALTO CHAR 156 14 0 Communication Data: Valid To (YYYYMMDDHHMMSS)

1328315Default communication data incorrectly set in comm. tables
1158803Correction report - Address Communication Usages
1343337Address Communication data: Setting of Time-Dependent flags.
1374766Address data is not archived for delivery documents
1129212Default telephone/mobile was not determined correctly.
595442Poor performance for 'Partner by Address' search help
664382Report: Import and maintenance of the "Do Not Call" list
550226CC-ADMIN: Copying the Customizing takes a long time
626336Move-in multiplies tel. nos after implementing Note 613344
384462Master data and addresses
97802Tablespace sizes for conversion addresses for 4.5/4.6/4.7
323700Transport of Customizing addresses between Releases,,,,