SAP Table ADR11 - SSF (Business Address Services)

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
CLIENT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
ADDRNUMBER X AD_ADDRNUM CHAR 3 10 0 Address number
DATE_FROM X AD_DATE_FR DATS 23 8 0 Valid-from date - in current Release only 00010101 possible
CONSNUMBER X AD_CONSNUM NUMC 31 3 0 Sequence number
FLGDEFAULT AD_FLGDFAD CHAR 34 1 0 Flag: this address is the default address
FLG_NOUSE AD_FLNOUSE CHAR 35 1 0 Flag: This Communication Number is Not Used
HOME_FLAG AD_FLGHOME CHAR 36 1 0 Recipient address in this communication type (mail sys.grp)
AD_DUMMY CHAR1 CHAR 37 1 0 Single-Character Indicator
SSFDEST RFCDEST CHAR 38 32 0 RFCDES Logical Destination (Specified in Function Call)
SSFID_SRCH AD_SSFID2 CHAR 70 20 0 SSFID search field
SSFNS SSFNS CHAR 90 10 0 SSF Namespace label
SSFPROF SSFPROF CHAR 100 132 0 SSF profile name
DFT_RECEIV AD_DFTRCAD CHAR 232 1 0 Flag: Recipient is standard recipient for this address
SSFID_LNG AD_SSFLNG INT2 234 5 0 SSFID field length
SSFID AD_SSFID LCHR 236 2048 0 SSF signatory/recipient name

1343337Address Communication data: Setting of Time-Dependent flags.
1374766Address data is not archived for delivery documents