SAP Table AD01DLIEF - DI flow: Individual flow

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
DLINR X AD01DLINR NUMC 3 20 0 AD01DLI Number of the Dynamic Item
DLIUS X AD01USAGE NUMC 23 2 0 AD01C_PROF Usage of the DI profile
VBELN X VBELN_VA CHAR 25 10 0 Sales Document
VBPOS X POSNR_VA NUMC 35 6 0 Sales Document Item
IN_WTGBTR EB_FKWRT CURR 41 15 2 Amount referenced for invoicing
IN_WOGBTR EB_FKWRT CURR 49 15 2 Amount referenced for invoicing
IN_WKGBTR EB_FKWRT CURR 57 15 2 Amount referenced for invoicing
IN_MEGBTR EB_FKMNG QUAN 65 15 3 Quantity billed
TO_WTGBTR EB_FKWRT CURR 73 15 2 Amount referenced for invoicing
TO_WOGBTR EB_FKWRT CURR 81 15 2 Amount referenced for invoicing
TO_WKGBTR EB_FKWRT CURR 89 15 2 Amount referenced for invoicing
TO_MEGBTR EB_FKMNG QUAN 97 15 3 Quantity billed
AUMOT AUMOT CHAR 105 2 0 AD01C_CT Apportionment reason
BEMOT BEMOT CHAR 107 2 0 TBMOT Accounting Indicator
RETRO XFELD CHAR 109 1 0 Checkbox
DOPEN AD01DOPENSIGN CHAR 110 1 0 Indicator: DOPEN Status in Single Flow
TIMESTMP RKE_HZSTMP DEC 119 16 0 Time created (Greenwich Meantime)
FKDAT_ACTIVE AD01FKDAT_ACTIVE CHAR 128 1 0 Billing Date is Updated in Document Flow
FKDAT FKDAT DATS 129 8 0 Billing date for billing index and printout

858702Consulting note for resource-related down payments
501156DP90/DP95: Composite SAP Note for performance notes
545095FAQ 2: billing/accrual/quot./results analysis