SAP Tables

Table Name Component
WBB_SAVE4 Packet Number for Cancelled Packets (Assortment List) Assortment List
WBB_SAVE_ID Assortment List ID for Saving Changed Objects Assortment List
WBCROSSGT Index for Global Types - Where-Used List Workbench Repository Infosystem
WBCROSSGTI Index Global Types for Inactive Objects Where-Used List Repository Infosystem
WBCROSSI Index for Includes - Where-Used List Workbench Repository Infosystem
WBCUMUL Global Trade: Aggregation Table Position Management
WBEW Active Ingredient Valuation Batches
WBEXTTYPES Workbench: External code for object types Workbench Tools: Editors, Painters, Modelers
WBGT Global Trade: Generic Document Information Trading Contract
WBHD Trading Contract: Commercial Data Logistics - General
WBHE Trading Contract: Schedule Lines Logistics - General
WBHF Trading Contract: Document Flow Logistics - General
WBHI Trading Contract: Item Data Logistics - General
WBHK Trading Contract: Header Data Logistics - General
WBHP Trading Contract: Partner Assignment Logistics - General
WBIT Association Item at Step Level Position Management
WBO1 Log header file for simulative list for load building Purchase Orders
WBO2 Log item file for simulative list for load building Purchase Orders
WBO3 Log file for investment buy Consumption-Based Planning (See Also PP-MRP)
WBO4 Log, load building, restriction profile used Purchase Orders
Lines 76681 to 76700 of 77931 entries
1 3,833 3,834 3,835 3,836 3,837 3,897