SAP Tables

Table Name Component
WAZT Promotion/themes assignment Promotion
WAZW Promotion/advertising media assignment Promotion
WB2B_REPORTS "Reports @ Web" Trading Contract
WB2CLINK Hedging Index Trading Contract
WB2TRANSFER Data Transfer Global Trade Trading Execution Workbench
WB2_MAP_FIELDS Trading Contract: Mapping of Fields to Follow-On Documents Trading Contract
WBACTINDEX Update Programs for Navigation Index Repository Infosystem
WBACTIONS Operations on Repository object types Workbench Tools: Editors, Painters, Modelers
WBACTIONST Texts for operations on Repository objects Workbench Tools: Editors, Painters, Modelers
WBASSOC Global Trade: Association Table Position Management
WBBCUSO Assortment List Parameters for Specific Optimization Assortment List
WBBH Assortment list header Assortment List
WBBL Assort. list control break Assortment List
WBBP Assortment list item Assortment List
WBBSTORE Assortment List Job Planning Assortment List
WBB_MIDOC Assortment List: Header For Merged IDocs Assortment List
WBB_MIG Assortment List Migration Assortment List
WBB_SAVE1 Save Changed Assortment List Objects Temporarily Assortment List
WBB_SAVE2 Temporary Assortment List Objects: Store-Specific Assortment List
WBB_SAVE3 Temporary Assortment List Objects: AL Type and Check Assortment List
Lines 76661 to 76680 of 77931 entries
1 3,832 3,833 3,834 3,835 3,836 3,897