Table | Name | Component |
WAZT | Promotion/themes assignment | Promotion |
WAZW | Promotion/advertising media assignment | Promotion |
WB2B_REPORTS | "Reports @ Web" | Trading Contract |
WB2CLINK | Hedging Index | Trading Contract |
WB2TRANSFER | Data Transfer Global Trade | Trading Execution Workbench |
WB2_MAP_FIELDS | Trading Contract: Mapping of Fields to Follow-On Documents | Trading Contract |
WBACTINDEX | Update Programs for Navigation Index | Repository Infosystem |
WBACTIONS | Operations on Repository object types | Workbench Tools: Editors, Painters, Modelers |
WBACTIONST | Texts for operations on Repository objects | Workbench Tools: Editors, Painters, Modelers |
WBASSOC | Global Trade: Association Table | Position Management |
WBBCUSO | Assortment List Parameters for Specific Optimization | Assortment List |
WBBH | Assortment list header | Assortment List |
WBBL | Assort. list control break | Assortment List |
WBBP | Assortment list item | Assortment List |
WBBSTORE | Assortment List Job Planning | Assortment List |
WBB_MIDOC | Assortment List: Header For Merged IDocs | Assortment List |
WBB_MIG | Assortment List Migration | Assortment List |
WBB_SAVE1 | Save Changed Assortment List Objects Temporarily | Assortment List |
WBB_SAVE2 | Temporary Assortment List Objects: Store-Specific | Assortment List |
WBB_SAVE3 | Temporary Assortment List Objects: AL Type and Check | Assortment List |