Table | Name | Component |
VXSITDNSO | Number Range Sub-object | Interfaces |
VXSITDT | Express Delivery Company: Description | Interfaces |
VXSITDU | Express Delivery Company: URLs | Interfaces |
VXSITS | Express Delivery Company: Service Codes | Interfaces |
VXSITST | Small Parcel Carrier: Service Codes Description | Interfaces |
VXSIV | Express Delivery Company: Shipping Point: Control | Interfaces |
VXTRKS | Tracking Status Details | Interfaces |
VXTRKST | Tracking Status Details | Interfaces |
VZBAV | BAV Data | Treasury |
VZBAVF | BAV Master Data Without History Management | Treasury |
VZBAVST | BAV data change - NOT USED | Treasury |
VZBAVV | Variable BAV Master Data | Treasury |
VZBAVZ | Stock totals for PRF-O | Germany |
VZDFELD | Attributes for output fields | Treasury and Risk Management |
VZDTXT | Attributes for display fields: Country texts | Treasury and Risk Management |
VZFGD | Release data (Informative data for the release procedure) | Loans Management |
VZFZE | Central entry table for release procedure | Loans Management |
VZGPO | Partner/role object relationship | Treasury |
VZKNA1 | Collector for batch input KNA1 from RF-VV | Treasury |
VZKNB1 | Collector for batch input KNB1 from RF-VV | Treasury |