SAP Tables

Table Name Component
AFRP2 Table of planned changes for confirmation: Backflushing Confirmations
AFRP3 Table of planned changes for confirmation: Calc.actual costs Confirmations
AFRP4 Table of planned changes to confirmatn: Data transfer to HR Confirmations
AFRU Order Confirmations Confirmations
AFRUHR Order Confirmations for HR Personnel Time Management
AFRV Confirmation pool Confirmations
AFRV_DEL Backup Copy for Confirmation Pool Confirmations
AFSPOPR Split Operations in an Order Split Production Orders
AFSPREL Relation Between Orders in an Order Split Production Orders
AFVC Operation within an order Production Orders
AFVC_DIS_SIG Digital Signature of Order Operation for Distribution Maintenance History
AFVC_DS Digital signatures for Order Operation Maintenance History
AFVU DB structure of the user fields of the operation Production Orders
AFVV DB structure of the quantities/dates/values in the operation Production Orders
AFWBM_ASS TRM: Assignment of Benchmarks to Portfolio per Variant Analyzer
AFWBM_ASS_BMPH TRM: Assignment of Benchmarks to Portfolio per Variant Analyzer
AFWBM_ASS_T TRM: Text Table for Assignment Variants Analyzer
AFWBM_ASS_TREE TRM: Assignment of Benchmark ID to PH Nodes per Variant Analyzer
AFWBM_ATT_BM TRM: Key Table for Benchmark Master Data(General Attributes) Analyzer
AFWBM_ATT_BM_T TRM: Text Tabel for Master Data for Benchmarks Analyzer
Lines 5361 to 5380 of 77931 entries
1 267 268 269 270 271 3,897