Table | Name | Component |
AFKO | Order header data PP orders | Production Orders |
AFKO_KAL | Storing calendar selections for Maintenance Order | Maintenance History |
AFMAPFLD | Mapping: Int. Structure Field - Segment Field of Compl. Str. | Cross-Application Components |
AFMAPTAB | Mapping: Internal Structure - Segment of Complex Structure | Cross-Application Components |
AFO_CFUPD_SAVE | Administr. of Generated Payment Flows for Financial Objects | Analyzer |
AFO_CF_UPDATE | FOs For Loans, For Which Payment Flows are Generated | Analyzer |
AFO_FIELD_EXPT | Exception Handling for Characteristics for a Fin. Object | Analyzer |
AFO_FOI_FAIL_ADM | FO Integration: Storage of Admin. Information for Error Logs | Analyzer |
AFO_WORK_ADM | Administration Data for FO Worklists | Analyzer |
AFO_WORK_ADMT | Administration Data for FO Worklists: Text Table | Analyzer |
AFO_WORK_FO_FAIL | Financial Objects in Worklists | Analyzer |
AFPO | Order item | Production Orders |
AFPOSTPROC | Postprocessing Status after Installation/Upgrade/SP | Cross-Application Components |
AFQNAMES | Queue Names | Cross-Application Components |
AFRC | Incorrect cost calculations from confirmations | Confirmations |
AFRD | Default values for collective confirmation | Confirmations |
AFRH | Header information for confirmation pool | Confirmations |
AFRH_DEL | Backup Copy of Header Information for Confirmation Pool | Confirmations |
AFRP0 | Table of planned changes for confirmation (PDC) | Confirmations |
AFRP1 | Table of planned changes to conf.: Automatic goods receipt | Confirmations |