SAP Tables

Table Name Component
ACO_GROUP_HIER ACO: User Groups to User Group Cross-Application Components
ACO_GROUP_USER ACO: User in User Groups Cross-Application Components
ACO_HR_OBJECT Object-Related Authorizations for an HR Object Cross-Application Components
ACO_OBJ_ACTIVITY Object Type-Related Activities for Authorization Check Cross-Application Components
ACO_OBJ_TYPE Object Types for Authorization Check Cross-Application Components
ACO_OBJ_TYPET Object Type Text Table for Authorization Check Cross-Application Components
ACO_ROLE Object-Related Authorizations for a Role Cross-Application Components
ACO_SUBSTITUTE Object-Related Authorizations for Substitute Cross-Application Components
ACO_USER Object-Related Authorizations for a User Cross-Application Components
ACO_USER_GROUP Object-Related Authorizations for a User Group Cross-Application Components
ACRELATION Relationships in Accounting Payment Transactions
ACTCMBDET_TAB Table for status combination details Project System
ACTCMBDT_CUS_TAB Table for storing the detials of status combination Project System
ACTCMBSY_CUS_TAB Customizing table for priority change of fixed status comb. Project System
ACTCMBSY_TXT_TAB Text table for the customizing tab for setting the priority. Project System
ACTCMBSY_TXT_TBL Text Table for ACTCMBSY_TAB Project System
ACTCMB_CUS_TAB Customizing table for adding user combination status Project System
ACTCMB_STXT_TAB Text table for the custmozing table for the status comb. Project System
ACTCMB_TAB table for status combination Project System
ACTCMB_TEXT_TAB Text Table for ACTCMB_TAB Project System
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