SAP Tables

Table Name Component
/SAPPO/SAP_CMPNT SAP Softward Components in the System Landscape Postprocessing Office
/SAPPO/SAP_CMP_T Text: SAP Software Components Postprocessing Office
/SAPPO/SCRN_ASG Tab Pages - Object Area Postprocessing Office
/SAPPO/SCRN_HDR SAP Tab Pages in Order Area Postprocessing Office
/SAPPO/SCRN_HD_T Text: SAP Tab Page in Order Area Postprocessing Office
/SAPPO/SERR_CAT SAP Error Categories Postprocessing Office
/SAPPO/SERR_CA_T Text: SAP Error Categories Postprocessing Office
/SAPPO/SOBJ_BORT Text: SAP Methods Postprocessing Office
/SAPPO/SRTRY_GRP SAP Retry Group Postprocessing Office
/SAPPO/SRTRY_G_T Text: SAP Retry Group Postprocessing Office
/SAPPO/SRV_GRP Server Group Postprocessing Office
/SAPPO/SSCRN_AS SAP Tab Pages in Object Area Postprocessing Office
/SAPPO/SVALIDOT Object Types Permitted by SAP Postprocessing Office
/SAPPO/S_BPROC SAP Business Processes Postprocessing Office
/SAPPO/S_BPROC_T Text: SAP Business Processes Postprocessing Office
/SAPPO/S_CMPNT SAP Software Components: UI Attributes Postprocessing Office
/SAPPO/S_CMPNT_T Text: SAP Software Components Postprocessing Office
/SAPPO/S_OBJECT SAP Object Types Postprocessing Office
/SAPPO/S_OBJECTT Text: SAP Object Types Postprocessing Office
/SAPPO/S_OBJ_BOR SAP Methods Postprocessing Office
Lines 3961 to 3980 of 77931 entries
1 197 198 199 200 201 3,897