Table | Name | Component |
/SAPHT/DRMDETL | DRM Audit Trail | Distributor-Reseller-Management |
/SAPHT/DRMFIFINV | DRM Inventory Reconciliation FIFO Inventory | Distributor-Reseller-Management |
/SAPHT/DRMGLOBAL | DRM global settings (MS/DR installation indicator setting) | Distributor-Reseller-Management |
/SAPHT/DRMHEAD | DRM FIFO Header | Distributor-Reseller-Management |
/SAPHT/DRMINVSUM | DRM Inventory Summary | Distributor-Reseller-Management |
/SAPHT/DRMIUSR | DRM Internet User Management Table | Distributor-Reseller-Management |
/SAPHT/DRMPARTAD | DRM Resale link additional address data table. | Distributor-Reseller-Management |
/SAPHT/DRMPPDL | Price Protection Due List | Distributor-Reseller-Management |
/SAPHT/DRMPPXN | Determination of DRM Transaction Code for PP application | Distributor-Reseller-Management |
/SAPHT/DRMPRFRUL | DRM Profile to Validation Rules Mapping | Distributor-Reseller-Management |
/SAPHT/DRMPRINF | DRM personalization information table | Distributor-Reseller-Management |
/SAPHT/DRMPR_DEF | Default Profile for the Tracking Partner | Distributor-Reseller-Management |
/SAPHT/DRMR3XN | DRM relevant ERP Transactions | Distributor-Reseller-Management |
/SAPHT/DRMREPINV | DRM Inventory Reconciliation Reported Inventory | Distributor-Reseller-Management |
/SAPHT/DRMRFCDST | Agreement Negotitiaon Logical sys maintainence table | Distributor-Reseller-Management |
/SAPHT/DRMRLAP | DRM Rule Application Table | Distributor-Reseller-Management |
/SAPHT/DRMRLAP_T | DRM Rule Application Table | Distributor-Reseller-Management |
/SAPHT/DRMRLCR | DRM Rule : Complex Rule | Distributor-Reseller-Management |
/SAPHT/DRMRLCR_T | DRM Rule : Complex Rule | Distributor-Reseller-Management |
/SAPHT/DRMRLCSR | DRM Rule : Assigning Complex Rule To Schema | Distributor-Reseller-Management |