SAP Tables

Table Name Component
/SAPDMC/LSUCUST Personal settings Legacy System Migration Workbench
/SAPDMC/LSUMENU User Menu Legacy System Migration Workbench
/SAPDMC/LSUPROF User Profile Legacy System Migration Workbench
/SAPHT/DRMACLVAL Staging Validations: Assign Validations to the Class Distributor-Reseller-Management
/SAPHT/DRMAGRDEF Agreement : Default data Distributor-Reseller-Management
/SAPHT/DRMAGRST agreement State Distributor-Reseller-Management
/SAPHT/DRMAGRWL DRM - worklist table for agreement negotiation Distributor-Reseller-Management
/SAPHT/DRMANAL00 DRM Inventory analysis Distributor-Reseller-Management
/SAPHT/DRMBUDL Bill Up Due List Distributor-Reseller-Management
/SAPHT/DRMCDSDC Drop-Ship Settings Distributor-Reseller-Management
/SAPHT/DRMCECTYP DRM end customer type Distributor-Reseller-Management
/SAPHT/DRMCGVAL General validation in Inbound 867/844 and staging Distributor-Reseller-Management
/SAPHT/DRMCGVALT Text table: Active validations for inb 867/844 and staging Distributor-Reseller-Management
/SAPHT/DRMCGVL Validations: details Distributor-Reseller-Management
/SAPHT/DRMCMMXN Determination of DRM Transaction Code for MM application Distributor-Reseller-Management
/SAPHT/DRMCONEXT DRM Ship and debit agreement extracts Distributor-Reseller-Management
/SAPHT/DRMCORJN Mapping of ERP Rejection Reason to DRM SD rejection reason Distributor-Reseller-Management
/SAPHT/DRMCPACNV DRM Partner Conversion Distributor-Reseller-Management
/SAPHT/DRMCPRCCD Control table: processing code properties Distributor-Reseller-Management
/SAPHT/DRMCPRXR Mapping from Processing Code to Reversal Processing Codes Distributor-Reseller-Management
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