This report is an example program that explains the use of the functionmodule WRF_CHARVAL_MAINTAIN_RFC. Using an external file, you can importor change follow-up/replacement material relationships.

The import file requires the following structure:
Columns of the import file with characteristic value information
1,,Row indicator
3,,Original article number
4,,Follow-up/replacement article number
6,,Follow-up type number
7,,old value: Valid from follow-up/replacement article relationship
8,,new value: Valid from follow-up/replacement article relationship
9,,Valid to follow-up/replacement article relationship
10,,Priority follow-up/replacement article relationship
11,,Follow-up action
Row Indicator Row indicator,,Content
F,,Follow-up/replacement article relationship
FX,,Checkbox structure for follow-up/replacement article relationship tobe changed
X Structures
X structures are only expected on update. If an X structure is includedin an Insert and Delete case, this does not cause an error.

  • bapi_wrf_folup_typ_a-date_from_old

  • bapi_wrf_folup_typ_a-date_from_new

  • bapi_wrf_folup_typ_a_x-date_from_new

  • bapi_wrf_folup_typ_a_x-date_from_new

  • With follow-up/replacement article relationships, the fields DATE_FROMand DATE_TO can be changed. Field DATE_FROM is an element of the key oftable WRF_FOLUP_TYP_A.
    If a new follow-up/replacement article relationship is created, then thefield DATE_FROM_NEW must be filled.
    If a follow-up/replacement article relationship is to be deleted, thenthe field DATE_FROM_OLD must be filled.
    If a follow-up/replacement article relationship is to be changed, butthe field DATE_FROM is not to be changed, then field DATE_FROM_OLD isfilled.
    If a follow-up/replacement article relationship is to be changed, andfield DATE_FROM is to be changed, the fields DATE_FROM_OLD andDATE_FROM_NEW are filled.
    If a column is not filled, you simply leave it empty. This also appliesto date fields.
    Field Function
    Field function must only be set in the Delete case.
    Field function is not set at all for X structures.