SAP Program VLCUSTXPRA - XPRA for Customizing TVLP (Conversion VBTYP)

This program is used to convert the sales document category (VBTYP)into the delivery item category (TVLP). For this purpose, the itemcategories used are determined from Table T184L (Determination ofdelivery item categories) and examined with respect to their usage inseveral delivery types. If the item type is used in several deliveytypes, the report examines whether the same sales document categoriesare used as a basis for these delivery types. If this is the case, thesales document category can be adopted into the item category. Itemcategories that are not assigned to any delivey type and are not inTable T184L are assigned the sales document category J (outbounddelivery). Item categories that are assigned to several delivery typeswith different sales document categories must be maintained manuallyafter the XPRA run. The reason for this is because it is not clearwhether they are used for the inbound or the outbound delivery profile.

In the item category search for the delivery, the item category 'TAN'was assigned to the delivery type 'LF' and the item category group ofthe material master 'NORM'. The sales document category of the deliverytype 'LF' is 'J' (outbound delivery). In this way, the sales documentcategory 'J' is also created in the item category 'TAN'.