SAP Program UPS_TRANSPORT_STS - Create Transport Request for Customizing Subplans/Planning Sessions

You use this function to include Customizing for the specifiedsubplans/planning sessions in the appropriate transport request:

  • UPS_TP_HIERARCHY ,,-> Subplan/hierarchy

  • XML_Document,,,,-> Hierarchy

  • UPS_SUBSTITUTE,,,,-> Substitute table

  • UPS_LINKS,,,,,,-> Completion date, links to planning applications and
  • reporting
    • UPS_HASH,,,,,,-> Characteristic/characteristic value combination for
    • node and unique node value ,,,,,,,, (Orgvl)
      • UPS_CUSTTEXT,,,,-> Customer-defined mail texts

      • UPS_HEADER,,,,-> Selections for write lock in buffer

      • UPS_EVENTS,,,,-> Global planning sequences at status change

      • UPS_ATTRIBUT,,,,-> Attributes of planning session (for example, top-down
      • or bottom-up)
        Subplans/planning sessions can only be transported if their attributeshave been maintained in the STS. (See determining attributes forplanning sessions).
        Comments are not transported.