SAP Program UMG_REPLOG_STAT - Check Repair Log entry reasons

The tool "Reprocess Log by Table" creates a statistics on existingReprocess Logs. The tool counts the number of records in a Reprocess Loggrouped by the different "Reasons". By executing the tool you canidentify e.g.

  • potentially wrong language assignments (Reason 02 - Conversion
  • Collision) or
    • missing language assignments (Reason 03 - Language not maintained in
    • vocabulary)

      On the selection screen you can use the "Tables" selection options torestrict the analysis on single or a set of tables.
      If the "Per Table" option is checked on the analysis is done for eachReprocess Log individually. If the "Per Table" option is checked off thestatistics is created for all existing Reprocess Logs.

938374Additional tools for MDMP --> Unicode conversion preparation