The report UMG_LOAD_REPLOG saves the language assignments of a ReprocessLog on a local PC or on a application server for reuse.

On the selection screen you can select the options:

  • Download: The language assignments of a Reprocess Log are saved
  • in a file. Every table gets its own filename. The filename is PATH +table name + '.LOG'. Some table names contain a '/' which isinterpreted as a directory by the upload and download functions.Therefore the character '/' is replaced by '-' in the table name. Tosave disk space, the files are compressed and saved in an SAP specialformat.
    • Upload: The language assignments are read from the files which
    • were previously stored. A language in the current Reprocess Log isassigned only if all key fields of an entry have the same values as inthe file.
      Frontend/Application Server:
      • Frontend: The files are stored on your local frontend PC.

      • Applications Server: The files are stored on the application
      • server. Please make sure that you have write permission to the directoryyou specify for the parameter "Path".
        • Path: Enter the path where you want to save the logs (e.g.
        • "c:\temp\" on your frontend PC or "/tmp/" on a application server.
          • Tables: Enter table names to restrict the Up/Download to some
          • tables. If you leave the selection empty, all tables which have an entryin the worklist of the Reprocess are processed.
            • Package Size: The package size defines the number of records to
            • be stored in one file. If the Reprocess Log of a table has more entriesthan specified here, several files with numbered filenames are created.Decrease the package size if you encounter memory problems during thedownload the Reprocess Logs.