SAP Program UMG_FINISH_PREPARATION - Finish Preparations for Unicode Conversion after Upgrade

This report should be used only together in the combined upgrade &Unicode conversion scenario. The report has to be executed after theupgrade is finished and before the export of the database is started.It involves three steps:
Update of the SPUMG worklist
Consistency Check for tables which have been added during the upgrade
Merge of the SPUMG control tables which have been created before andafter the upgrade
After starting the report, press the "Start next step" icon @15@ toschedule the first job for updating the SPUMG worklist. When thebackground is finished, you can proceed with the next step by pressingthe "Start next step" icon again. Please do so also for the last step.The status of a step is indicated by its colors (see description below).

After starting the report you see the main screen which is devided intothree parts:
In the top left corner there are several icons which are used to performactions
@15@ Start next step: Background jobs are scheduled to execute the nextpreparation step.
@42@ Refresh: Clicking the refresh button will update the tree(restarting the report has the same effect).
@0P@ Log: Displays logs which are written by the background jobs.Please select first an item the tree. Alternatively you can simplydouble click on item in the tree to display the log.
@2W@ Reset: Resets the status of complete process, i.e. all steps arereset. After resetting the status, you can start the jobs from scratch.
@0S@ Help: Display this screen.
The lower left corner of the screen consist of a tree which shows allsteps which have to be executed. The items in the tree have differentcolors, depending on their status.
Initial, no color: The step has not been performed yet.
Yellow: A background job is currently running for that step. You cancheck the status of the background jobs in transaction sm37.
Green: The step has been executed successfully.
The right part of the screen is used to display the logs of thebackground jobs.

1244353Authorization check in UM4_/UMG_ FINISH_PREPARATION
1179067Language dependent tables in CU&UC procedure
1500340CU&UC: Long running jobs in Additional Preparation Steps