Purpose This report compares the transaction figures with the total of thesingle documents. Integration You can only use this report when new General Ledger Accounting isactive. If new General Ledger Accounting is not> active, performreconciliation with report financial accountingcomparative analysis (SAPF190)>.Prerequisites Close the posting periods for which you perform reconciliation. Thisensures that no changes are made to the transaction figures or documentsduring reconciliation. Such changes would cause the report to terminate. Selection Depending on the selection criterion applied, the following tables areapplied in the comparison: Selection criterion,,Totals table (transaction figures),,Document table Compare G/L View with Sing.Docs> or Entry View>,, BSIS/BSAS/BSIK/BSAK/BSID/BSAD,,BSEG/BSEG_ADD Compare G/L View with Sing.Docs> or Entry View>,,LFC1/3 and KNC1/3,,BSEG Compare G/L View with Sing.Docs>,,A Table,,BSEG/BSEG_ADD General Ledger View>,,T Table,,A Table Entry View>,,T Table,,BSEG If you select the selection criterion General Ledger View withSingle Document Comparison>, all tables are compared (such as theBSIS/BSAS totals with the T table) by first reconciling BSEG/BSEG_ADDagainst BSIS/BSAS, then BSEG/BSEG_ADD against the A table, and finallythe A table against the T table. Alternatively, the BSID/BSAD tables arereconciled with the KNC1/3 using the BSEG. IF &[SWITCH]FAGL_SFWS_UI_POSTING_SERV& = 'X'. Note If the system compares documents from accounts for which theClearing Specific to Ledger Groups> indicator is set,the system uses tables FAGLBSIS and FAGLBSAS (instead of tables BSIS andBSAS) for the comparison. ENDIF.Standard_variants We recommend that you use the standard settings.
- In the standard system, you perform comparative analysis for the
documents in the general ledger view with single document comparison.This is the most complete check. If you set the General Ledger View > indicator, the Ledger> field is available and you can restrictthe comparative analysis to a specific ledger. &NOTE&> Perform the comparative analysis for all ledgers sharing a common fiscalyear variant. If you still have a ledger with a non-calendar fiscal yearvariant or a day ledger, you should reconcile these ledgers separately.This is necessary because the system always selects the period in therelevant ledger. For example, if you reconcile period 1, this is themonth of January in your leading ledger but January 1 in your dayledger. If you want to perform a quick but incomplete reconciliation, you canselect the entry view. This view only relates to the leading ledger andonly selects table BSEG and not> the A table (such as FAGLFLEXA).You can also select the general ledger view>, but without>the single document comparison. In this case, the A table is applied forthe comparison, not> table BSEG.