Title Maintaining the transaction start authorization for the CALLTRANSACTION Purpose In releases prior to release 4.6B, if a transaction was called fromwithin another transaction using the ABAP command CALL TRANSACTION, thesystem did not check the transaction start authorization of thetransaction that was called. As of release 4.6C, the developer of thecalling transaction can specify whether the transaction startauthorization is to be checked or not using the TASAUTH program ortransaction SE97. The developer's specification is transported as partof the calling transaction. Prerequisites The TASAUTH program or transaction SE97 uses the TCDCOUPLES table. Atrace function in the kernel enters the call couples in this table.Ideally, the specification whether the authorization is to be checkedor not is maintained when the CALL TRANSACTION command is run for thatcall couple for the first time, since the call is only written in thetable at this point. However, if this is not possible, the developercan also enter the call couples manually. He/she can also delete callcouples. Features Selection The developer can select the calling transaction(s) in the selectionscreen. By selecting the corresponding radio buttons, he/she can selectaccording to the transaction name or the development class and personresponsible as defined in TADIR. Output If the developer specified selection criteria for the callingtransaction that are fulfilled by more than one transaction, thetransactions are displayed in a selection list. A green traffic light in the first column of this list means thateither the system did not find any call relationships between thecalling transactions and called transactions in the TCDCOUPLES table,or that for all the call relationships found it has already beenspecified whether the transaction start authorization is to be checkedor not. A red traffic light means that there is at least one callrelationship which has not been maintained. Clicking on the name of the calling transaction displays a list of thecalled transactions. If the developer only specified one transaction in the selectionscreen, the list of called transactions is displayed immediately. Activities In the list of called transactions, the developer should now specifyfor each called transaction whether the transaction start authorizationof the called transaction is to be checked or not. To do this, he/shemust click on the corresponding column at the beginning of the row. Thecolumn headings have the following meanings: U = Not maintained N = Do not check P = Check If the developer knows for certain that a called transaction is not inthe list, he/she can enter the transaction manually using the 'Addtransaction' function. Incorrect transactions (transaction is not in fact called) can bedeleted from the table using the 'Delete transaction' function. The settings are saved in the TCDCOUPLES table by saving (for example,by clicking on the save icon). Process the dialog boxes of the transport system as you normally would. Example A developer wishes to specify for all transactions for which he/she isresponsible whether the transaction start authorization is to bechecked or not when transactions are called using the CALL TRANSACTIONcommand. He/she has already tested all his transactions, therefore thetrace function in the kernel has already entered the call couples inthe TCDCOUPLES table. The developer starts transaction SE97. In the selection screen, he/shechooses the radio button 'Select calling transactions by developmentclass/person responsible'. He/she leaves the 'Development class' fieldempty; his/her own user ID is already entered in the 'Personresponsible' field. Choosing 'Execute' (F8) starts the selection of thecalling transactions. The selection list of the calling transactions is displayed. Thedeveloper sees several red traffic light symbols in the left column.He/she clicks on the name of the first transaction with a red symbol. Alist of the transactions called by this transaction is displayed. Since this is the first time that the developer is maintaining thetransactions, he/she has not yet specified for all transaction callswhether or not the transaction start authorization is to be checked.Therefore a red cross meaning 'Not maintained' (column title 'U') isdisplayed in the left column of all the called transactions. A dot actsas a place holder in the following two columns ('N' for 'Do not check'and 'P' for 'Check'). The developer clicks on one of the dots for eachcalled transaction depending on whether the transaction startauthorization is to be checked or not. The red cross then disappearsand a green tick appears in the specified column. Once the developerhas specified whether or not the check is to take place for each calledtransaction, he/she saves his settings. The developer goes back to the list of calling transactions. He/sheconsecutively selects each calling transaction with a red traffic lightsymbol and specifies in the list of called transactions whether theauthorization is to be checked or not. |