SAP Program TAC_PARTICIPANT_RESULTS_LSO - Participant Results Overview

This report outputs a list of all course results of a specifiedparticipant.

Under Participant Data you can enter theparticipant whose resultsyou want displayed. You specify the reporting period in the StorageDate fields.

The report's list screen contains the following information:

  • All tests with the levels test and
  • learning objective
    • Course participation document

    • Score achieved by the participant at the levels of the test and the
    • learning objective
      • Maximum score achievable at the levels of the test and the learning
      • objective
        • Percentage result of the participant at the levels of the test and the
        • learning objective
          • Cut-off value for passing a test or learning objective

          • Total score achieved by all participants at the level of the item
          • Activities
            Enter the required data and choose Execute.