SAP Program SYNC_HOME_PATH_OLD - Synchronization of Home Paths for XML-Based Archiving

You need this function exclusively for XML-based archiving. You onlyneed to execute it once, at the latest immediately before the start ofthe first archiving session of an XML archiving object. You only need torun the function again if the program displayed an error message, youentered new home paths in Archiving-Object-Specific Customizing, addednew clients, or if you decided to restrict an earlier operation to aspecific client. However, synchronizing the home paths more than once isnot a problem.


  • In each relevant client, every XML archiving object for which a logical
  • home path has been entered in basis customizing (or table maintenanceview ARCH_XHOME), must have a logical home path entered inArchiving-Object-Specific Customizing.
    • The XML Data Archiving Service (XML DAS) must be running in an SAP J2EE
    • Engine.
      • There must be an HTTP or HTTPS connection to the XML DAS running in the
      • SAP J2EE Engine.
        • The HTTP(S) connection must be marked as active in Basis Customizing

        • -> Configuration of XML DAS (alternatively in the tablemaintenance view ARCH_DAS), for every client from which the archive isaccessed.

          The transaction (meaning program SYNC_HOME_PATH) determines the homepaths that the XML archiving objects should use. You have the option totransfer these home paths to the XML DAS in order to create them there,or in the XML DAS you can delete home paths that were createdaccidentally.
          You can only begin archiving data after you have created the home paththat belongs to the XML archiving object.

          Here the logical home paths are analyzed for each XML archiving objectand the resulting home paths are displayed. Place holders, such as <(>
          <<)>SYSID> are deleted. The program does not check, whether it isactually possible to create these home paths in the XML DAS or whetherthey already exist in the XML DAS.
          The home paths are transferred to the XML DAS, which is identified viathe client-specific HTTP(S) connection. If a home path does not yetexist in the XML DAS it is created. If a home path already exists, itremains unmodified.
          You also have the option to specify an archive store.Capitalization of letters in the name is not significant in this case.This archive store is then assigned to all newly created home paths. Thearchive store must be known by the XML DAS (administration function"Define Archive Stores"). You can change the archive store you createdas long as no data has been archived under this home path yet(administration function "Assign Archive Stores").
          This action deletes from the relevant XML DAS the home paths that wereentered in Customizing. If these home paths were already used, nothingis deleted.
          Only for Current Client
          If you mark this check box you restrict the selection of the home pathsto those home paths for which entries have been maintained inArchiving-Object-Specific Customizing for the current client.

          The program displays a list with the actions it executed.
          _ Determine
          X Create
          Archive Store My_Store
          _ Delete
          _ Only for Current Client
          In this example the program creates home paths of XML archiving objectsfor all clients for which a customizing entry exists. At the same timethe archive store "My_Store" is assigned to the corresponding homecollections.