This report transfers XI configuration data from the source system tothe target system.

You require this report for an XI 3.0 system copy, which is similar to amigration.

The following prerequisites must be met:
The Support Package SAP_BASIS 10 or higher must have been installed inthe source system. Alternatively, you can implement the server part ofthe transfer function by executing SAP Note 787397 in the source system.
An RFC destination for the source system must be created in the targetsystem.

The report transfers the following data from the source to the targetsystem:

  • Integration Engine Configuration

  • These settings were made in transaction SXMB_ADM --> ConfigureIntegration Engine. All settings are copied, apart from theparameterBALANCING, subparameter B_EO_*. You can use these balancing par
    ameters to balance a temporary imbalance in the queue load of a system.It is not necessary to transfer these parameters to another system.
    • Sender and Receiver Definitions

    • These definitions were maintained in transaction SXMSIF.
      • Message Filter

      • These filters were maintained in transaction SXMSFILTER.
        • Jobs for Message Filter

        • These jobs were maintained in transaction SXMSJOBS.
          • Interfaces for Archiving

          • These interfaces were defined in transaction SXMB_ADM --> DefineInterfaces for Archiving and Retention Periods.
            There are two options for the above-mentioned source system data. Oneoption is to add the data to the target system. Entries that alreadyexist in the target system remain unchanged. The second option is totransfer all entries to the target system and overwrite any entries thatalready exist there.
            You can also perform a comparison for the
            • Configuration for Delete Procedure

            • The delete procedure was configured in transaction SXMB_ADM -->Configure Delete Procedure.
              The current settings for this configuration in the source and targetsystems are compared. The settings are not transferred automatically. Ifany different settings are found, this is noted in the output of thereport.

              Enter the following:

              • RFC Destination Source System: Select the previously created RFC
              • destination (see Prerequisites) for the source system. This is arequired field.
                • You can select one of the following actions for each of the first five
                • configurations:
                  Skip: Data transfer does not take place.
                  Add: The source system data is added to the target system. Entriesexisting in the target system remain unchanged.
                  Add/Overwrite: The source system data is transferred to the targetsystem. This overwrites any entries existing in the target system.
                  • You can select the following actions for the configuration of the delete
                  • procedure:
                    Skip: No comparison takes place.
                    Compare: The configuration settings for the delete procedure in thesource and target systems are compared.
                    • Test Mode: If this flag is set, all data is transferred, but no changes
                    • are made in the database.

                      Provided the Skip action was not selected, the report displayswhich changes have been made for each configuration.
                      In the case of the configuration of the delete procedure, the result ofthe comparison is displayed.