SAP Program SOA_PSITEMS - Provisions for Awards: Display Total Values in Accrual Engine

This program displays posted and/or simulated provisions for awards.
For this purpose, data is selected from the Accrual Engine.

There are three different options for starting this report:
Display actual values only
If you choose this option, only data that has actually been posted willbe displayed.
You cannot enter a key date. The reason for this is that totals valuesposted to the Accrual Engine are stored by fiscal year only.
Actual & simulated values
If this report is run for a key date, actual values that have alreadybeen posted by this date are selected and - where necessary - completedwith simulated postings.
Simulate only
You can also choose not to display posted values and just to simulatedata instead.
In the last two cases, the term "Simulate" means that future postingsare carried forward on the basis of existing settings. For thispurpose, you can use various versions of hypothetical stock prices andforfeiture rates.

The provisions are displayed as fiscal year totals.
By double-clicking on the list that is displayed, you can then call upthe line items. The settings that you have made (actual values only /actual & simulated values / simulate only and key date) are not ofrelevance here.