SAP Program SMOE_UPLOAD_USER_SITE - Initial Upload of User Data and Sites


Initial Upload of User Data and Sites

This program performs an initial upload of logon user data for employeesand sites into the Middleware Repository.
It is only possible to create user data for existing employees in theCRM system.
In addition, you can maintain assignments between employees and sitesand between sites and subscriptions.

At least one ASCII file is required for user data and site information.You may use a second ASCII file that contains a list of subscriptions,which are to be assigned to the generated sites. Both files have apredefined structure:

  • The first line of each file is the header line, which will not be stored
  • in the database.
    For the file with user and site data, the header contains the fieldsPARTNER, USERID, PASSWORD, SITE_NAME, SITE_DESCR, SITE_TYPE, CNGP_NAM,TRSV_GRP and INACTIVE. These fields have to be separated by a tabulator.The names and sequence of these fields must not be changed.
    The header of the file for subscriptions contains only one field calledSUBSCRNAME.
    • The following lines contain:

    • The user data and sites to be stored in the database. The correspondingfields have to be separated by a tabulator. If only the fields PARTNER,USERID and PASSWORD are filled, the report will only create the userdata. If only the fields SITE_NAME, SITE_DESCR, SITE_TYPE, CNGP_NAM andTRSV_GRP are filled, the report will only create the site data. If allfields are filled, the data for users, sites and assignments betweenemployees and sites will be created. If the PARTNER field and allsite-relevant fields are filled, the site and the assignment of the siteto the corresponding employee identified by the PARTNER field will becreated.
      Only one assignment between employees and sites can be created. Furtherassignments have to be maintained by using the Administration Console.
      The ASCII file contains the following fields (number of characters inbrackets).
      PARTNER (10):,,,,Partner number of employee from the general businesspartner data.
      USERID (40): ,,,,Logon user ID of the employee' (must be unique).
      PASSWORD (5 to 10): ,,,,Password of the logon user (if empty, it will beset to 'initial').
      SITE_NAME (32): ,,,,Name of the site (must be unique).
      SITE_DESCR (255):,,,,Description for the site.
      SITE_TYPE (30): ,,,,Type of site.
      CNGP_NAM (40): ,,,,Connection group name (see the Administration Consolefor the available connection groups ).
      TRSV_GRP (40): ,,,,Transfer group name (see the Administration Consolefor available transfer groups).
      INACTIVE (1): ,,,,'X' site will be created inactive, else site will becreated active.
      If the value of a field is too long it will be cut. If the USERID is notunique, the length of the PASSWORD is not correct, the SITE_NAME is notunique or the specified SITE_TYPE, CNGP_NAM or TRSV_GRP cannot be foundin the database, the whole line will not be accepted. You will be able,however, to download faulty lines in the same ASCII file format. Afterprocessing, you will get a list of the recognized errors, so that youcan correct the errors in either the downloaded or the original file andstart the program again.
      The subscriptions you want to assign to your generated sites. Allsubscriptions contained in this file that cannot be found in thedatabase will not be considered. The subscription file contains only onecolumn:
      SUBSCRNAME (64): Name of an existing subscription (you can find theavailable subscriptions via the Administration Console). It is onlypossible to assign subscriptions which refer to BDocs, that support thesame site types used in the field SITE_TYPE of the user and site datafile.
      In the error list you can see if the subscriptions you wanted to assignto your sites were accepted.
      It is very important that the values of the fields SITE_TYPE, CNGP_NAM,TRSV_GRP and SUBSCRNAME are correctly written (case sensitive).Otherwise your data will not be accepted. If a line in the ASCII filecontains an error, the program continues with the next line.


      Parameter 'No DB-update - only data check'
      If this parameter is marked, only checks of the data from the files willbe performed, without creating user data or sites or assignments to thedatabase.
      Parameters 'Site Activation Options'

      • Read from File:,,Values for site activation/deactivation are taken from
      • the ASCII file.
        • Deactivate All Sites:,,Sites will be created deactivated, values in the
        • ASCII File are ignored.
          • Activate All Sites:,,Sites will be created active, values in the ASCII
          • File are ignored.

            You can download the faulty records containing your user and site data.Furthermore all occurred errors are returned after processing.

            First test the report using only a small number of user, sites and/orsubscriptions in order to check if your ASCII file has the correctstructure and if the fields SITE_TYPE, CNGP_NAM, TRSV_GRP and SUBSCRNAMEare filled correctly. This is very important for the following reason:if your site is accepted, but many of your assignments to subscriptionsare not accepted, it is not possible to maintain these assignments bycalling the report again, because your site already exists. In suchcases you have to maintain the assignments by using the AdministrationConsole.

            ASCII file for logon users and sites:
            0000004711,,111111,,SmithA,,SiteSmithArthur,,Mobile Sales Client Laptopof Arthur Smith,,Mobile client ,,DEFAULT CONNECTION GROUP,,DEFAULTTRANSFER GROUP,,X
            0000004713,,333333,,BC,,SiteBushCarol,,Mobile Sales Client Laptop ofCarol Bush,,Mobile client ,,DEFAULT CONNECTION GROUP,,DEFAULT TRANSFERGROUP
            0000004714,,111111,,SmithA,,SiteSmithArthur,,Mobile Sales Client Laptopof Arthur Smith,,Mobile client ,,DEFAULT CONNECTION GROUP,,DEFAULTTRANSFER GROUP
            0000004715,,444444,,SawyerC,,SiteSawyerCelsea,,Mobile Sales ClientLaptop of Celsea Sawyer,,SAP Mobile client,,DEF CONNECT GRP,,DEFTRANSFER GRP
            ASCII file for subscriptions:
            Customer & Prospects (by DE & 68000 to 68200)
            Non-existing subscription
            When you start the program you have to specify the name(s) of the ASCIIfile(s) to be uploaded. The result would be:
            0000004711: will be accepted; site will be created inactive (ifRead from File in Site Activation Options was selected, else the programsetting will be used)
            0000004712: will be accepted, password will be set to initial, nosite will be created
            0000004713: neither the user data nor her site will be accepted,because the PASSWORD is to short
            0000004714: neither the user data nor her site will be accepted,because the USERID and the SITE_NAME are the same as for 0000004711

            0000004715: neither the user data nor her site will be accepted,because SITE_TYPE, CNGP_NAM and TRSV_GRP are not correct.
            Moreover the subscriptions Employee_Bulk and Customer &Prospects (by DE & 68000 to 68200) will be accepted. Thesubscription Non-existing subscription is not accepted, becauseit does not exist. Therefore the assignments between the siteSiteSmithArthur and the subscriptions Employee_Bulk and
            Customer & Prospects (by DE & 68000 to 68200) weremade.