SAP Program SLS_LPAYSP_DOCUMENT_UPDATE - List of Sales Documents Paid in Advance via Payment Service Provider

This program is used to identify and process sales documents paid usinga payment service provider. This business process usually takes place inSAP Web Channel Experience Management.
The program uses the Business Add-In (BAdI) Payment Service ProviderIntegration (COM_WEC_PSP_INTEGRATION) to invoke the external systemof the payment service provider and update the payment transaction dataof the selected sales documents.

The program can be ran in the background.
In dialog mode, the selected sales documents are displayed andyou can trigger follow-up actions, such as:

  • Request synchronization of payment transaction data based on payment
  • service provider data.
    • Reject the complete sales document.

    • Send synchronization of payment transaction data in case a refund is
    • needed.
      In background mode, only the following actions are possible:
      • Request synchronization of payment transaction data based on payment
      • service provider data.
        • Send synchronization of payment transaction data in case a refund is
        • needed.