SAP Program SLSPAWR8 - PAW - Test result answer details

PAW- Display Test Result Answer Details

The user has to fill in the mandatory test info object field on theselection screen.
The other selection screen options are optional but not mandatory buthelps in speeding up the process like
- Location Id
- Event Id
- Description
-Time Intervals
All the above optional fields refer to the mandatory field i.e test infoobject

Basing on the test info object
The test answer results of the participant according to the itemlevel along with the participants name , the test form he has used andthe performance units are displayed.
At the item level are displayed
Whether the participant has attempted the item or not
when 1 -> attempted correctly
when 2 -> wrong attempt
when 3 -> not attempted
Whether the participant has succeded in answering the itemcorrectly
The item type i.e whether it is MC1 or MCN etc
Maximum points obtained for each item
Whether the participant has passed the test or not