SAP Program SLSPAWP1 - PAW - Certificate Printing Information

PAW - Certificate Printing Information

1. By executing this report you can PRINT a certificate for all theparticipants, who have passed the test.
2. You can also PRINT a certificate for single participant by selectingthe participant , who have passed the test.
3. Displaying the certificate printing information for all theparticipants for a particular test type, event, location, test
accurance date etc. according to the user selection.
- You can display all the participants having certificate.
- You can display all the participants not having certificate.
- You can also display all the participants having and not havingcertificate.

To print a certificate, first off all the user should haveauthorizations to the Authorization Object 'PAW_PRINT'.
This Authorization Object have 3 Authorization Fields.
- TEST TYPE : Test type ( Values ' * ' or Particular testid ).
- EVID : Event id ( Values ' * ' or Particular Event id ).
- LOCID : Location id ( Values ' * ' or Particular Location ID ).
