SAP Program SD_CMDC0 - Check condition master data

After client copies or transports, problems often occur in the area ofcondition master data, for reasons such as:

  • termination during maintenance of condition records or

  • incorrectly set condition records in pricing

  • The cause of the problems is often due to inconsistencies in thecondition master data making it even harder to identify the conditiontables, agreements or records involved.
    This report carries out checks to the master data according to a scopespecified by the user. It lists the results to enable backgroundprocessing (long runtime for large data quantities). A double-click onthe list allows you to view additional information on the variable keyfor the record and as far as possible the key is also displayed.
    Automatic repairs or repair suggestions are not supported.

    Konsistency KONH / Konsistency KONP
    For every record in the selected condition table and the correspondinguse, the system checks whether corresponding records exists in tablesKONH and KONP. In table KONP, an additional test is carried out if therecord does not exist. This test searches to see whether a record withthe same condition record number exists but with a counter KOPOS notequal to '01'. Depending on you requirements, a correction can be madeby either deleting the record from the condition table or by recreatingthe condition record with exactly the same data.
    Check VAKEY / KSCHL
    A check is carried out for every record to see whether the entries ofthe variable key and the condition type in the condition table agreewith the entries in tables KONH and KONP. Only the fields in which noagreement occurs are printed. Possible corrections can only be decidedon a case to case basis using the solutions provided in point 1.
    Scale check
    If the scale indicator in the condition record does not agree with theactual status in tables KONM (quantity scale) and/or KONW (valuescale), then this is determined and printed here. Correction: deletescale indicators KONM/KONW entries and recreate.
    Overlapping periods
    The system prints condition records with overlapping periods, despitethe same variable key and condition type.
    Duplicated agreements
    The system searches for records with the same variable key andcondition record that refer to the same sales or rebate agreements.
    Number assignment
    The current status of the number range object is issued together withthe highest status in KONH / KONP for the corresponding conditiontable. If numbers occur that are outside the number range object, thered traffic-light icon appears. It is also possible for numbers usedinternally to appear on the database - an amber traffic light appearsfor this.

94443Inconsistencies in condition master data (Termination VK067)
355670Inconsistencies in purchasing condition records