SAP Program SDVTTKDL - Delete Shipments

Information on the archiving of shipments is in expanded help and inhints on archiving (on the initial screen of shipment archiving Goto-->Hints or here).
This information should be read first. Then the technical documenta-tion is understandable since it is based on this info.

The deletion of shipments is based on the archive file alreadydescribed. From this, shipments are exported and then deleted from thedatabase.
This means increased data security because it is ensured that the ship-ment is already in the archive when it is deleted.
In the FORM PREPARE the archive is opened (form archive_open) after theinitialization of global data (form global_data_init, formtables_init).
Now, the shipments to be deleted from are read from the archive. Incustomizing of the archiving object SD_VTTK, one can define after howmany shipments a COMMIT WORK is to be made (e.g,. 500). So, for exam-ple, 500 shipments are read from the archive and the data is collectedin internal tables (form read_archived_shipments).
Then, these deletable shipments are logged (formprotocol_deletable_shipments) and then, via mass DELETEs, deleted fromthe database (form delete_archived_shipments).
At the end, the output of the log is done (for this topic, see alsoDocu on report SDVTTKWR, Chapter 'Log management').

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590556Archiving of SD_VTTK: Standardizations
590619Archiving SD_VTTK: Programs not uniform