SAP Program SDVBELV - SD Document Items with Incorrect Account Assignment Information

Display and Correction of Incorrect Account Assignment Information inSales and Distribution Documents

This report is for displaying and correcting sales documents, in whichthe number of the triggering sales document has been incorrectlyupdated or not updated at all. A reason for this could be an unknownprogram error. The resulting inconsistency in data could lead torequirements being assigned incorrectly, or to errors when assigningcosts to accounts.

The report does not include items that were created with reference to apreceding document.
It also does not update any existing subsequent documents.
If individual stocks are incorrect, the system corrects the salesdocuments, but not the relevant requirements record. To do this, youneed to run program SDRQCR21 to regenerate therequirements.

Correct items
If you select this option, the program updates the database with thedocument numbers it generated.
If you do not select this option, the system only displays the resultsand does not update the database.
Only missing account assignment
The program does not process all the errors in the account assignment,instead it only corrects those that have not been caused by the salesdocument (this means that there is no entry in the VBAP-VBELV field).
Display last run
The system does not run the report again but displays the result storedfrom the last run.
Note results
The system stores the results of the run in a segment of the INDXdatabase table.
Sales document, material, plant
Entering values in these fields restricts the area searched by thesystem. The document numbers for the search are determined from thematerial index (VAPMA) for the sales documents.

The system displays a list of incorrect sales document items, sortedacccording to material and plant.
The following fields are listed for each incorrect entry in thefollowing sequence:
Material number
Sales order item description
Triggering sales document number (account assignment information): Thesystem displays the number as it appears in the document (not as itshould be)
Triggering sales document item
Account assignment category
Consumption posting indicator
Special stock indicator.


747469Conversion to SAP List Viewer - ERP Operations ECC 5.00